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Dear Journal,

(Clark speaking in his head) Sorry i havent written to you for a while, its just that my "problem" has been kicking in more than expected. I have learned to ignore there demands and havent gotten afraid of them since they pop out at times that you would suspect them to show up. Sad to say but Im moving to another country. Gosh I miss the Philippines, any way, I am moving to Canada Ontario in the city of mississauga, I heard that these people are nice so lets hope that I get at least one friend this time.

(Mothers voice calling out to clark) "Clark!" His mom says. Clark replies "Hi mom!" "Clark, you get really into writing in your diary" "its not a diary" Clark whispers. "Anyway honey, we are almost to our new home" "Mom, why did we have to move?" Clark says sadly with puppy eyes. "Because your father was called here since there have been paranormal activity around this area, and alot of them, your father is an excorcist anyways!" "Okay" says Clark.

As they arrive at there new home, they get fascinated by how big the house is. It looks way to fancy for someone like his family to live in. The real estate agents speak in the most proud voice ever "Thank you so much for coming to this city! Thank you, thank you!" "Your welcome?" Clarks mom says "You see this place has been haunted for 500 years now and we have had enough of this nonsense! Plus there have been cases of disappearances of children in the area, my daughter and son have been one of them." "Im so sorry for you, lets just hope they are with God now" Clarks mother says. "Thank you" the real estate agent says as he walks out the door.

The mother tells Clark to go and pick a room to settle in. As Clark enters the room he picks, he pulls out a book out of his bag that wasnt there before. The book has no title or author and on the cover is a circle with ancient letters on it. He opens the book. On the first page it says in blood letters "put this book down". Out of curiosity. He turns the page, Clark stares at the book with confusion and anxiety telling himself that this is not real! This is not happening! For there lies an old photo of the people who Clark has been haunted by. He throws the book across the room and runs out of the room out of fear

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