Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Brad…Say something please." She cried. He just looked at her with his face fuming with anger. "You didn't want my baby?" He asked softly. "I did. I didn't know." She said. He got up. "You didn't know!? Why!? Were you more concerned about him than yourself!?" He shouted at her."No. Please. Its not like that at all. I didn't have signs. I didn't think that we would've done anything like that! Please. Just listen to me". She said as she reached out for him. "Don't touch me!" He said as he backed away from her. "I love you!" She shouted. He wanted to say so much and scream at her but that wasn't going to do anything. "Well you have a great way of showing it!" He shouted and walked out. She ran after him but not far. Her vision was blurry and her knees weakened and dropped to them. "Sooner or later the truth will come out." Rydel's words ran through her mind. "Come back." She cried.

"Where did you get this?" He asked the little girl. "Mommy wouldn't tell me. I took matters into my own hands." She smiled. He gripped the piece of paper until his knuckles turned white. "Daddy?" She called him. He looked at her. "I pulled up my medical records and this was there." She said. "Your signature is on my birth certificate. Mommy signed it too." She said not once did the smile leave her face. He held out his arms for her. She took hold of them. They walked into Rydel's room. "Delly!!" He shouted scaring her a bit. "Oh my! What?" She asked holding her chest. "Katie's my daughter!? Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked his sister. "Uh…" She said. "You knew auntie!? Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. He put her down. "Laura told you didn't she?She told you something right?" He asked. She froze and couldn't move.

He paced back and forth. He looked at her. "Why couldn't she have told me?" He asked. "I'm sorry. I couldn't say anything. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. Please. Are you more happy that you have Katie, your daughter, or are you more angry with Laura?" She asked. "I'm more than happy to find out that this little angel is mine." He said giving her cheek a little squeeze. "Stop it." She chuckled. "But I'm more upset with Laura! She wouldn't tell me any of this!? Why?" He asked. "Calm down and go ask her." She told him. He nodded. "Katie. Sleep here. Daddy will be back." He said. She pouted. He chuckled and kissed her forehead. She nodded and hugged him goodnight. "Uh…It's 1㏂ You can't do that." Rydel pointed out. "I'm Ross Shor Lynch. I can do as I please." He said and walked out. She quickly picked up her phone and called Laura. No answer. Voicemail rang through. "Ross is on his way over! Please stay safe. I'll be over soon!!" She said. "Auntie?" She said. "Hm?" She answered. "Did I cause trouble?" She frowned. "No sweetie. Just a big and big misunderstanding. That's it." She lied. She looked at her with her head tilted. "Why don't mommy and daddy love each other like they love Brad and Kacey?" She asked. "Sweetie. Mommy and daddy do love each other. They just…need time." She told her. She smiled. "Thanks auntie." She said. "Your welcome butterfinger." She snapped her fingers. "Your slippery and sneaky. Your my new best friend." She joked. She smiled as sleep took over her body. It took a lot out of her. She quickly dashed out her room to find her fuming brother.

He knocked visiously on the door. He was flushed angerily and he looked like he would punch through walls. "Come in." Rang  very unaudioable. He walked in, well marched in. She looked up at him from the floor. Bloodshot eyes and shaking. Tears still rolling down her cheek. "You fucking bitch! Why didn't you tell me she was mine when I asked you about her!?" He shouted at her as he threw the results at her. She didn't move and picked up the results. "Why the hell did you keep my daughter away from me!? For 4 years!? Huh? Why the hell did you do that!?" He asked. She didn't respond. She just looked at him. Her silence was just boiling him up. He was so red you cold see steam coming off his ears. "Answer me!!" He shouted as he grabbed her. "Don't touch me!" She said as more tears clouded up her eyes. "Where did you get this?" She asked. "My daughter." He answered. Her anger started to boil. "No! She's my daughter! You are nothing to her! You little piece of shit! You didn't want her mother!" She screamed at him. "You kept me out of her life! How could you do that you bitch!? You never cared about me did you!?" He asked her. "What!? I know no way in hell did you just ask me that! Lets ask you that!" She said. "You are careless and inconsiderate! Your filled with nothing but shit!" He said. She slapped him across the face. He turned his face. "Brad left tonight because of you! You piece of shit!" She screamed in his face. He pulled her up to look at him as tears poured out her eyes. "You took my new future away from me! I hate you with a passion!!" She shouted in his face. "Of course it always has to be about you!! I hate you too!! You are handing me custudy over Katie! Whether you like it or not!" He said. She slapped his other cheek. He let her go. "Over my dead body I will give you custudy over my little girl." She said with jaws clenched and fists balled up. He slapped her across the face. She jolted back as more tears pierced through her eyelids.

"Your one selfish son of a bitch! You only care about yourself and you don't care about anyone else!" He said. She held her cheek. "I care about Katie.She's all that I care about." She confessed. He looked at her. "What?" He asked. "You are the most cruel and hurtful person I have ever met and quite frankly I wish you and I never even met! I hate you! I hate you!" She said as she beat on his chest. Everytime she said it, it brought him back. "Please." She slapped him. "Your no father to my baby! Brad is gone out my life thanks to you! I hope your happy no way in hell will you ever be. Your a lie and a cheat! You could call me any name in the book but one thing you need to remember, you may know about her now but I can take her away in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the presence of Katie while you still can because after a couple days or weeks or months, poof! She'll be gone." She said and pushed him. He pulled her with him. They fell.
What she mean by that!? And guys those moments and chats with Rydel and Laura give away wha is to come in earlier chapters;)  Comment and Vote!!!!!!!

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