The Daily Occurrences of Taylor-Anne

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A/N: This book is a early New Years resolution. I'm writing this from mobile so I apologise in advance for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. This a diary of sorts, everything written in here is true and had happened to me or one of my friends. If u don't like it don't read it and don't say mean/rude things about it.

- have a wonderful life



That awkward moment when...

My aunt comes up to me and said,"like my new Christmas earrings? I have one for everyday of the week."

That's when I said," what about Saturday?"

Then she said," I don't where earrings on Saturday, heck I don't even wear clothes! Nope not even my undergarments!" She walks away happily as if nothing she said was out of the ordinary.


Today, while rehearsing for a play I was drumming and marching in the festival scene. The choreographer gave me a drum with an arm strap. The arm strap broke and the metal drum came crashing down on my tows. I think one of them is broken.



Today and everyday this week, without fail , I have managed to roll myself out of bed, walk into a wall, then trip and fall down the stairs. Lets just say its been a long week!


I have discovered the difference between boys and men; boys find bathroom jokes and making fart noises funny! My dad is still a child!


When I was cuddling my guinea pig I leaned back and burned the ENTIER back of my arm in the gas fire place. When I screamed in pain, the only thing my dad cared about was the guinea pig being scared!


That awkward moment...

when a really tall guy hugs you and you end up with your face on his arm pit!


That awkward moment when...

Square dancing

I will write something every night and then post every Sunday/ Saturday if I'm feeling eager! - Enjoy!

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