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Jesus I love you and your the best and you also love me to. Jesus your the star in my eyes and you dazzle in the sky all day and night. Jesus all the little ones are your angels from heaven. Jesus when our hearts are broken you come in to our hearts and unbreak them because you love us no matter what.

 Jesus I love you and your the best you also love me to. Jesus we want to be committed to you with all our mind, heart and soul. You died on the cross for all of our sins so we can have entral life with you in your kingdom. Jesus I want to be committed to you with on my mind, my heart and soul because with out you I'm  weak any you are strong. I also want to love you with all my mind, my heart and soul and live for you.

 Jesus I love you and you also love me. With out you in my life I can be enslave with my lies so Jesus please have the trueth set me free in your name. Jesus with you by my side I wont feel pain and sorrow because I have you and I'm strong when your with me. Jesus please carry me through the really hard time in my life because I can't do it on my own.

 Jesus I love you and you also love me. Thanks for dyeing on the cross for us and loving us uncontaity. Jesus your the best and your the star in my eyes you dazzled in the sky all day and night. Jesus I pray to you to come in my heart and help me lead other in your driction. Jesus please help me committe to my dream of helping others with their abuse they went through like me. Jesus please help me stay strong for the others that are weak with out you in their life. Jesus you are our almighty king and father. Help Jesus to show others to love you with all their mind, their heart and soul. Jesus you are my best friend and I am happy for that I love you with all my mind, my heart and soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2012 ⏰

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