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Me talking to myself about ass class basically.

The ships I do ship and the ones i dont.

How i imagine their backstories.

There choice in clothing.

Ya know all that.

Oh and -- if youre a big karmagisa fan (as in the bully ones that ive had to much experience with) please get the of my story. Youre giving the normal karmagisa shippers a bad rep.

Also -- these are my opinions. If you want to guve your opinion then be nice about it. Of someone has a different oppinion than you on something dont act like a 5 year old not getting what they wanted. Meaning dont be a brat.

Now I'll tell you a bit about me.

Im Jackal. Jackal Ayuzawa. Im a girl before you mistake my gender.

If im having a convo with myslef tho I'll use "me" as me irl and "Jackal" as how i wished i was.

I have 5 friends who i know irl.

2 of whom i think are fake. 1 one of them im sure has forgotten about me. Leaves 2. They're great tho. Dont talk to each other tho. They had a fight last year and haven't talked since. :P

I have a YouTube channel (Jåckål Åyuzåwå) and i would love for all of us to be friends. Since friends are all i want.

That sounds desperate doesnt it.

Gods it does.



If you have discord then you can send the link to it or I'll send it. Just ask.



Warnings: Bad grammer. Karanami mostly, but I'll talk about Karashuu to. And other ships. Mostly karanami tho. Harsh opinions on karmagisa (I'm sorry Karmagisa shippers!) Bad jokes (probably). Cringe.


G A C H A  L I F E

So beware.



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