Short Story

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Fifteen years old and not in love, surprising huh? I'm not one to simply fall head over heels in love with a fake girl and her fake smile, make-up and all that other things that guys seem to be attracted to. I'm never going to fall in love, I don't have any intention of doing so. Or so I thought, until I met her. I can remember how and when we met just like it was yesterday. It was a bright sunny day for a December morning, around 8:43 am, I was late walking to my next class when I had bumped into her or was it her who ran into me? Either way it seemed like fate had brought us together.
"Oh my God! Are you alright?" I asked while helping her get up to her feet.
"Yes - Oh sorry, you must've been in a hurry. It's all my fault for not looking where I was going, now I've made you late for your next class haven't I?" She truly looked disturbed by the fact that I was late to my next class and her tone was sincere.

"No. It's alright, are you new here?" I asked getting a good look at her, her outfit was.. How do I put it? Like a model's? She had a smile that was neither fake nor forced, it was a natural smile, one that could brighten one's day no matter the circumstances. Her hands looked cold, I wished I could hold them. No. No what am I thinking? I shook my head trying to get these impure thoughts out of my head. Not again. Never again. I kept shaking my head until she put her hand to my face, I felt like it was just me and her alone in the universe. "S-Sorry, I was lost in my train of thought." I muttered sheepishly.
"Really? I'm like that too at times. Anyways, I'm new here. My name's Kayla, what's yours?"
"Ah, is that so? I guess we're rather alike. If you want, I could show you around. Oh. Uh. M-My name is.." I got lost in her gaze, her eyes were like that of sapphires. They reminded me of the ocean reflecting the sunlight at the beach over the horizon, they were so beautiful glistening in the sun. Oh! How I wish she was mine.. "My name doesn't matter. Here, let me see your schedule, I'll show you where your next class is." I don't really like to give out my name, it's a weird quirk I know.
"Here it is." She replied happily, handing the schedule to me.
"Oh, it's the same class that I have. Wow, all of our classes except for the first period are the same! It's almost like fate.. Haha." I laughed it off so that I wouldn't sound like some hopeless romantic loser who just fell in love with the new girl but I really wanted to make her mine so I had a plan..
"Oh, yay! Isn't that cool?" She was giggling along with me. "So, are you going to lead the way?" She had stood beside me, fiddling around with her hair waiting for my response.
"Sure, I don't mind." I replied nonchalantly. "On one condition though." I gave her a half smile, it was the best I could do at a smile. It's not really my thing.

"Uhm. Okay then, that sounds fair I guess." She had her arms behind her back and was staring at me with those innocent blue eyes.

"You have to be my girlfriend then." I said with a dorky tone, so I wouldn't sound too creepy. Stupid. Stupid. I thought to myself. There's no way sh-
"Yeah! Sure! I was wondering when you'd ask me you dork." She replied happily, and maybe a little too quickly at that.
"Wh- Woah, wait What?!" I was stunned at her response, she was like.. A goddess and I don't think my class would be a peasant, maybe a serf if I was lucky. Maybe that's my low self esteem talking but still.. "Alright, let's go to class then." I started forward but she took hold of my hand as we walked to class..

Several months later, it was my birthday. My parents couldn't be home because my mother was working overtime and my father was overseas handling a corporate business dilemma. I don't really care about it though so I didn't ask him when he'd be back. It's not like this is an unusual thing, I'm used to spending birthdays and holidays alone but this time I had Kayla as company. I called up Kayla because I didn't want to be alone for my birthday, it's only natural. Right?
"So, I'll see you at the park then?" I asked again.
"Yes darling, I'll see you in 5 minutes." She reassured me she was coming. "I love you. Bye..!" And with that, she hung up. My heart was racing about a million miles per hour, Tonight was the night. We were going to go all the way, and nothing was going to stop us. What should I wear? What should I bring? Where do we- Calm down. Calm down. I kept telling myself, my thoughts were racing faster than my heart. After finally deciding on my outfit, a black baggy hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans with my usual dirty converse, I made my way to the park. It wasn't that far of a walk because after turning right at the end of my street there was a wall that I could jump over and crawl through a broken fence. It was there that I saw her, the one that I had made my own. The one whom I could say that without a doubt is mine.
"You're late!" She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. She was tapping her toe on the concrete.
"I'm sorry, my princess." I bowed, smirking a little bit. Then continued to progress up the stairs after she sounded a little bit flustered.
"Wh-Wha-Who. Just stop it you dork." She was trying to cover her cherry colored face. God, she was so adorable.
"You're so adorable I could just eat you up! haha." I took her by the hand and led her to the open field, it was just me and her. I couldn't ask for a better setting. I sat there with her in my arms nibbling on her ear, it was complete silence. "So.." I had begun as I slid my hand up and down her back.
"S..So.." She whispered. "Wh..What now?" She spoke in a breathy tone, I saw the mist come out of her mouth. "Y-You.. Can have anything you want on your" She begun as she turned around to face me.
"Oh..? Anything I want?" I smiled a sly smile, she looked nervous but I can understand why. It was just the two of us, and no one else. Two teenagers alone at night in the park? Of course anything could happen, and I made sure that 'anything' did happen.
"That's right" she gulped. "Anything." Her sapphire blue eyes were sparkling in the moonlight night which had hung in the midst of a starry sky. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect setting. "Just.. Be gentle.." She had puppy eyes now. Oh how I longed to look at those eyes forever, they're like jewels that one would hold in highest regard, or place atop a podium for an exhibit.
"Well.. If you don't mind if I do.." I grinned at her, unbuttoning her shirt, she whimpered but pursed her lips so that she wouldn't make too loud of a noise. Then it had all begun...

"St-Stop!.." She whimpered "I.. I can't.. I can't go on.." She was begging me to stop, but how could I? We had already begun and I had lost all sense of control, I was like a beast. Then again, don't all men turn to beasts when it comes down to this? "So-Sorry. I can't stop.." I was laughing silently, it was so exciting. I couldn't contain myself.
"Please.. Please I'm begging yo- Anh..." Her breath was heavy and hot. She was lying on her back now.
"I.. Just can't.. I can't- Ahh.." I was breathing heavily on top of her, she kept flailing around, it turned me on even more. It was complete bliss for me, like a drug. Her screams was like ecstasy, a high that one could only attain by doing things like 'this' and 'that'.
"I.. Unh.. I can't go on.." She panted, her sweat made my hands slippery as I couldn't get a firm grasp on her. I kept going in and out, faster and faster until.. "No! No! N-Ahhh!" Her body slumped down, the substance was flowing out of her, and was forming a puddle around her body. The liquid was flowing out of her gaping mouth as well. Ah! How I felt so alive! Her very body completed me. Her very essence was rejuvenating.
"Ah.. What a shame, really. I was hoping you could last longer, usually girls like you do last longer.. (Sighs) Alright.. I'll take what you can give.." I finally pulled out the knife and licked the blade. Her blood tasted so good, so fresh.. I had to save the sapphire jewels though, those are what had captivated me, and now I could finally look at them whenever I wanted to. I had cut out the eyeballs and stuffed them inside of the gold embroidered black case. That's right. I thought to myself. I had no intention of falling in love with you, no. I had the intention of taking your eyes from the very start. I finished. Then again, I wasn't kidding about wanting to eat you up as well. I mean, I can't leave any evidence now can I? That just won't do. And so, I began to feast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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