013┇banana milk

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Chapter 013 : banana milk

Hwang Haemin's P.O.V.

"What's this for?" Yujin asked Sunoo while holding up the banana milk he gave her.

"Jake hyung told me to give it to you." Sunoo said. "As thanks for helping him yesterday with the choreo."

Yujin nodded. "Oh okay.. tell him it's not a big deal, if he needs help he can always come to me."

"I will." Sunoo said and sat in front of us.

The three of us are in the library just chilling since it's break time and neither of us are hungry.


I immediately looked up from where the voice was coming from and I saw Jungwon looking for a book in one of the shelves while a girl is clinging on to him.

"What are you looking at?" Yujin asked me and looked at the direction I was looking at. "Oh them.."

"Didn't know Seoyoon and Jungwon are close." I said as I watch Seoyoon cling to Jungwon.

"Oh? You know Seoyoon?"

I looked at Sunoo and nodded. "Yeah but not really.. I met her at the opening ceremony.. she was sitting beside me."

"Ohhh.. so that's why." Sunoo said and looked at Seoyoon and Jungwon's direction. "And they're not close.. I mean.. Seoyoon and Jungwon, they're not close."


"Seoyoon likes Jungwon." Yujin started. "Well she had liked him for 2 years now and almost everyone in school already knows about it."

"But sad for her.. Jungwon isn't interested in a slightest bit." Sunoo laughed.

"Eventhough she knew that he doesn't like her back she still clings to him like a leech like it would change his feelings or something." Yujin laughed along.

"Oh yeah! remember the time when Seoyoon handed a water bottle to Jungwon after practice but Jungwon just walked past her." Sunoo said.

"Yes I remembered that! Who wouldn't?" Yujin asked. "A lot of people saw it when it happened."

"Jungwonie~" Seoyoon held Jungwon's left arm.

"What do you want?" Jungwon boredly asked. "Can you let go? I'm trying to find a book."

"Let's go to the new cafe after school." She said. "I heard it's a good place to go on a date."

Jungwon sighed. "Seoyoon.. you already know that I don't see you the same way you see me right?"

"You know, sometimes I find Seoyoon impressive." Yujin said as she sip her banana milk.


"Yeah.. she never gives up eventhough Jungwon's just flat out rejecting her all the time.." She looked at me and offered her banana milk. "Want some?"

"Oh thanks.." I said and took a sip.

I gave the banana milk back to Yujin and heard Sunoo chuckling at me. "What?"

He shook his head. "You're such a baby."

I tilted my head confusedly. "Huh?"

"Come here." He said and leaned forward wiping his thumb on the corners of my lips. "You've got some on your lips."

"Thanks." I said and he sat back down properly.

"Oh?" I turned around and saw Seoyoon looking at me. "You're the girl beside me at the opening ceremony right? Nice to see you again."

I smiled at her. "Hi Seoyoon."

I looked at Jungwon beside her and saw that he's already looking at me. I was about to say hi to him when he suddenly walked off.

"Jungwonie~" Seoyoon said as she ran after Jungwon. "Wait for meeee."

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