The Bruised X Exhausted ~

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"Kita Suzuki," called the man at Heaven's Arena. She was one more level away from making it to the 200th floor and she was ready to take on the strongest nen user there. After defeating her opponent on the 199th floor, Kita went straight to her hotel room. She was so exhausted. She had almost used all of her nen fighting her opponent. She
quickly undressed, ignoring the soreness all over her body and walked into the bathroom. Kita stood there eying herself down in the mirror, there were bruises all over her abdomen and legs, some purple, some black even yellow. Her legs felt like she had been hit by a bus. Kita turned on the shower and stepped inside letting the warm water hit her body which sent a burning sensation down her back. As Kita stood there in the shower she thought about who she wanted her next opponent to be. Kita slowly stepped out of the shower steam rolling off of her body as she wrapped her towel around her and another around her hair. She walked out of the bathroom and laid out on her bed letting the towel fall off of her body exposing her private areas. Suddenly there was a knock at the door Kita sat up immediately and a shiver was sent down her spine. The aura coming from outside of the door was sure evil and filled with bloodlust, but then it disappeared. Kita threw on a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt and headed to the door to see what that strange aura was. Kita is a pretty smart person, so when she opened the door she used gyo to see if someone had used their aura but she didn't see anything suspicious so she stopped using gyo and stepped back inside her hotel room. Kita turned so her back was facing the door and she closed it behind her. " Whoever did that is a creep" Kita said to herself. She didn't worry herself about it, because she really didn't care that much. Kita yawned. She was so tired she could pass out standing up, she crawled into the bed and pulled the cover onto her body. Kita slowly drifted to sleep not having a care in the world little did she know this was only the beginning of it all~

Author note~

Hey guys this is my first time writing a wattpad and i'm so excited about this. Please feel free to comment on any mistakes that I made. ~ I will probably upload another chapter tonight or tomorrow :)

ALSO!! this will be quite a few smuts in this story so be prepared!! 🃏

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