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Black. White. Grey. That's the three colours they knew. For 16 years, Subject I-M655 has been an experimented on by the Practitioners Of Quirk Experiments. Their goal is to create quirks that wouldn't be seen for the next 4 generations. I-M655 is officially the oldest living experiment. He's been here for 15 years and 8 months. He was kidnapped a year after his birth. Overtime he had seen many taken from their. He had seen many die. They altered the human genomes to grate extents. He survived because his body had refused most of the quirks given. Benefits of being born quirkless.

Izuku was given quirks. They were forced upon him. The organization manipulated his genetic code the extent where his genome was barely even his. But one day they made a mistake and he paid for it.

"Subject I-M655 is ready for genetic infusion. Genetic sample is from former subject K-21b." Said the head scientist.

"Beginning injection." Said a subordinate. I-M655 felt the needles inserted into his major muscle groups for fast replication. Since he has regeneration the muscles tend to regenerate faster than other tissues hence it's logical to use them as a replication site.

"Subject I-M655, how do you feel."


His dry, dead voice echoed through the laboratory. Suddenly his eyes shot opened as wide as they could. He screamed in pain as his skin peeled of his flesh and was replaced with a ghostly fire.

His heart rate almost triple and he began to have convulsions. "Make it Stop!!!!" He screamed. The medics knew that it must've been terrible. Izuku in all his years had only said those words 10 times and that was 15 years ago. He's almost numb to experimental pain.

Soon it looked as if his body was on fire but nothing burned. The medics realized it was a dark green mist.

Picture above or in the Book Cover

I-M655 then blacked out. "Subject I-M655 is alive and taking the infusion without significant issues. His skin has been replaced with the Mist similar to Subject K-21b. His eyes also seem to be constructed of this mysterious mist but in a higher concentration leading me to believe that his body -including organs- have been either replaced or reconstructed to express the new genes." He logged. He drew a blood sample. It was warm, black and syrup like. He ran an on site test. "Subject I-M655's blood has been overhauled. He still has the molecules required for it with exception of Haemoglobin in some cases. It appears that it has been replaced with Carbon. This leads me to believe that he can breath both oxygen and carbon based molecules." He continued.

He then dropped several water pellets down the nose. Through the breathing tubes and turned of the O2 supply. "Subject I-M655 has also gained the ability to extract Oxygen from Water and release Hydrogen." He logged. How did he know about the hydrogen you may ask. He monitored the output from his breath and notice significant amounts of Hydrogen being released.

"It appears Subject I-M655 has gained his 5 quirk. Ending log until further notice."

Days later.

Subject I-M655 say in his cell. The guard outside played cards with his compatriots. During this time, I-M655 learned he gained teleportation as well. Now he has 6 quirks. Usually a subject of the POQE would have up to 35 quirks, but I-M655's body wasn't built to house them so he only accepted those that had a 85.34% match to his DNA. And for him that was rare. They would get close but have only succeeded 6 times now.

First he got absurd strength.

Then Inhuman Regeneration and Glucose reversal. Counts as one quirk.

Then Quirk Deactivation Immunization.

Then unworldly mental processing.

Then he got Water breathing, Carbon based breathing and Oxygen extraction. Technically count as 3 quirks but for simplicity they call it one.

Then teleportation with the Mist as a side effect.

Though scientists knew he was a rare exception to quirk transfusions, they still used him for medical applications and research. They spearheaded the research for cancer suppression by using I-M655 as a test subject for 7 years. Then they sold their research. In between he was given three quirks. They ran him on different training courses and observed his physical attributes.

He was lean, muscular, tall and according to the female guards and doctors... hot. Though rape was not allowed as to not contaminate the specimen.

I-M655 had a cellmate. A fellow old timer. Her 'Name' was N-K3ss. She was 15 years old. She and Izuku had the luxury of having nicknames given to them by the faculty.

 She and Izuku had the luxury of having nicknames given to them by the faculty

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I-M655 is known as Mr. Whisper when in came unto physical tests. He was deadly, mysterious and most of all... silent. He barely made noise which put them on high alert, though he never dared to leave. Last time he did 10 years ago.... well we don't talk about that.

N-K3ss was known as Nezuko. Why Nezuko? Because that was her birth name. Her genome was like I-M655's. She has onlt received three quirks since she was mostly a medical cadaver.

Those were Vampire Teeth.

Super strength.

And Regeneration.

Standard stuff.

I-M655 and N-K3SS were sitting in their cell. I-M655 allowed his cellmate to eat so he was starving. Nothing new. The two were like brother sister. I-M655 always cared for her. She was given a bamboo muzzle because her teeth were threatening to the stuff. Regular masks would have been shredded and 10 years ago they didn't have the money to purchase ultra hard material so they used a natural restraint. A bamboo muzzle that she bites into. Usually it would get uncomfortable so I-M655 would fix it everyday. He and N-K3SS were the most well known experiments since of course they were the only survivors of the first generation.

I-M655 was sleeping in his cell with his sister in his arms. They had no blanket so they each other's body heat. They awoke to an alarm ringing. Heroes had infiltrated the facility but they didn't know. All the cells were blocked and gased with Carbon Monoxide. I-M655 was immune but everyone else died. Quickly he removed the muzzle from his sister and pinched her nose. He proceeded to do mouth to mouth. He took the carbon monoxide, converted it to sugar. Reversed the process as waste oxygen and used it as N-K3SS's breath. Soon the the gaze diffused into the air. He replaced her bamboo guard as the steel walls came down. He heard foot steps and observed several people appear.

"We have two live ones!" Shouted a man in blAck and a scarf. I-M655 was too exhausted to make out what was happening. He and N-K3SS soon fainted from sleep deprivation and malnutrition.

This was their beginning.

Words 1172

Posted 3/2020

(Completed)Experiment I-M655Where stories live. Discover now