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"I'm going to my brothers house soon, then we should catch up over lunch," my best friend and previous roommate, Lexi, says as we FaceTime.

"That sounds great! I didn't even know you had a brother," I laugh, looking down at my phone while I'm curling my hair in my bathroom. Lily is with Sasha and Evan today, so I'm off the clock until she gets home tomorrow morning.

"You'll have to meet him sometime! How's the new job going?" she asks, chewing gum like always.

"It's not too bad. I really like it, actually. Being a live-in nanny is not what I expected it to be at all," I explain to her.

"Well, I have to go, but I'll let you know when I'm leaving his house." I agree, and we hang up. I finish my hair and makeup, then decide on what to wear today. I thought about going shopping to relieve some of my nerves. My meeting with the college Dean was rescheduled, so I'm even more stressed now.



"Hey Alex, come on in," I smile at my little sister who came to visit me. She steps inside with a grin, and skips into my living room.

"So, how's it going?" she asks, plopping down onto the couch. I take a seat on the other side of the couch to face her, swinging my arm over the back of the couch.

"Everything is going well. Lily has a new nanny that she seems to love," I tell her and she nods.

"That's great! I have a friend that just became a nanny," she informs me. I look towards the stairs, and any words I was going to speak, disappear when I see Savannah.

She looks amazing. Her long blonde hair is curled, she has natural looking makeup on, and is wearing a light blue sundress that reaches her feet, the color making her big green eyes pop.

"Sav? What are you doing here?" Alex asks Savannah, and Savannah seems just as confused. "Oh my god! Are you two dating?" Alex jumps up from the couch and drags Savannah over to it as soon as she's off of the stairs.

"No-" Savannah tries to interject, until Alex pushes her to sit next to me. Right next to me. Practically in my lap.

"Why didn't you tell me you finally have a girlfriend?" Alex squeals, and I let out a sigh, while I feel Savannah's eyes on me.

"Lexi, stop. We're not dating. Remember how I said I'm a live-in nanny?" Savannah questions.

"And remember how I said I hired a nanny for Lily?" I add in, Savannah nodding with me. It finally clicks for Alex and she gasps.

"I'm so sorry! I just assumed. Oh my gosh, I'm dense. How did I not connect the dots?" She smacks herself in the forehead, shaking her head. "Wow, this must be uncomfortable." She motions to how close we are, and goes to move Savannah.

"It's fine, Alex," Savannah responds and Alex immediately smirks, dropping Savannah's hand. I give her a look, and she just smirks wider.

"So, tell me, Sav. What's it like working for my big brother?" Alex questions, sitting back into the couch. Savannah relaxes a little bit, leaning further into me, without realizing.

"It's been great. I love Lily already. She's amazing," Savannah gushes, and I can't help but smile. Alex smiles at me, giving me a knowing look. I just roll my eyes. Yes, I'm crushing on my daughters nanny. No, nothing is going to happen.

"That's awesome! Wes, what do you think of Sav?" Alex smirks at me, and I glare at her. I glance at Savannah, who is blushing and avoiding eye contact with me.

"She's amazing. Lily loves her," I respond, my face blank. Savannah bites her lip, looking down at her lap, and I suddenly feel like an asshole for my response. "I don't think we could have found a better fit."

"Yay! Savannah is the best," Alex smiles and I notice Savannah smiling too. "Sav, do you still wanna go out later?"

"Yeah, absolutely! What did you have in mind?" Savannah asks, sitting up more, and I find myself missing her warmth. Snap out of it, Wesley!

"We could go out for lunch, or we could go out this evening to a club," Alex smirks, her eyes snapping to mine for a second.

"A club? I don't know Lex, I don't really do that," Savannah responds, looking unsure.

"Wesley will go with us, right Wes?" My eyes widen and my head snaps to Alex.

"Um I don't think that's such a good idea." I give her a look, telling her to shut up.

"Why? Lily is with mom and dad for the night."

"I don't think it's very professional for me to go clubbing with my daughters nanny," I respond, choosing my words carefully.

"You should join us. I'm not your nanny today. I'm your little sisters friend," Savannah says with a shrug. Somehow that sounds worse. I let out a sigh, and nod, knowing they won't give up.

"Fine. I'll go. But neither of you are getting drunk, got it?"

"Yes, dad." Alex salutes me, making Savannah giggle.

"Got it," Savannah laughs.

"Let's go get food, then we can get ready together!" Alex suggests, and Savannah agrees, the two of them leaving the room. I put my head in my hands, letting out a deep sigh.

I'm going clubbing with my little sister and my daughters nanny. How much more fucked up could this day be? Oh, right. My daughters nanny that I have a fucking crush on. That's how.

I push myself up from the couch and decide to go lay down for a little bit, before we go out this evening. I know I said no getting drunk, but if I know Alex, she will anyway. I'm gonna need to be well rested to deal with her drunk ass tonight. I just hope Savannah doesn't get wasted too.

The CEO is Possessive (Kingsley Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now