Part. 1(mika)

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Original Au
Name: Mika
Pronounces: They/them
Birthday: 9.September
Ship: ???
Species: Dragon
Siblings: don't have any
Au name's
Kingdom Au: Rin
Gender swap Au: Mika
Yandere Au: Jan
Evil Au: Kat
Angel/Devil Au: Yui
Personality Swap: Marie
Infection(kinda like a zombie Apocalypse)Au: Mila
Mika had a normal life for now
That's how they look like

SeptemberShip: ???Species: Dragon Pan/non-binary Siblings: don't have any———————————————————————————Au name'sKingdom Au: RinGender swap Au: MikaYandere Au: JanEvil Au: KatAngel/Devil Au: YuiPersonality Swap: MarieInfection(kinda like a zombie Apoc...

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First information about my Ocs

Next part will be about Aiko

See ya🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤

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