Part 1

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This know this isn't original but I don't care.

In a universe where Dan and Arin are both single.

Arin's POV:
"Read fanfiction of the two of us? Is that what you
guys really want?"

"Of course it is Dan, have you even met them?"

After a short break from streaming, the Dan and I figured it was about time to stream again. This time, we chose a game that we've never even heard of before. Normally, we don't have a webcam for streams or videos, but we decided to give it a shot this time.

I don't actually know that because I don't watch their streams so I don't know if they use a webcam or how often they stream.

"Well if enough people say yes then Arin will give me the controller and then he'll read for you guys. Hopefully Stream won't get too mad, hahaha."

I shot Dan a look that said something along the lines of, "Seriously??? Why me???" which only got a chuckle and a snort in return.

Oh god! No, no, no! If I read anything remotely romantic or sexual about me and him, I might slip up about how I feel about him. This can't end well...

Soon enough, the chat was spammed with responses varying from "YES" to "OMG PLEASE" and this caused Dan to smirk.

"Welp, looks like you're reading fanfiction for the fans!"

"I don't wannaaaaa!"

"Come one Arin, do it for the bit."


With a groan, I tossed the controller to Dan and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I didn't exactly know what to do next.

"Hey chat, what do you want me to read it on?"

The chat was a lot more diverse with their answers, but the most common one was on the app Wattpad.

"Alright, Wattpad it is then."

After hesitantly making an account I wasn't planning on using more than 5 minutes, I stared at the search bar blankly.

"Chat, what's the ship name of me and Dan again?"


I looked up and stared blankly at Dan for a few seconds.

Did I hear that right?

"What did you say?"

I said it's Egobang... You know, a combination of Egoraptor and Dannysexbang?"

Dan glanced over at me and then quickly looked away, slightly turning his head at the same time so I couldn't see his face properly. I blinked a couple of times and tried to see if I saw what I thought I saw. He turned back to the screen and then I could see it.

A slight blush formed across his face.

I quickly turned back to my phone, a blush forming on mine too.

"Ah yes, Egobang. How could I possibly forget?"

Why is he blushing??? Does he like me??? No, I'm nuts. He's probably just a little hot, I mean he is hot but I mean in the temperature sense.

I quickly typed "Egobang" into the search bar and I wasn't really surprised with the large amount of fanfictions that were written about him and his best friend who I want to be more than my best friend, but I'll actually surprised anyway.

"Oh man, I keeps going on and on, there's no end to it."

Dan tried to stifle a laugh but failed.

"Yeah man, everyone wants us to be a couple and new subscribers are constantly surprised that we're not."

I looked up from phone with a raised eyebrow.

"How do you know so much about this?"

A darker shade of red fell across Dan's face as he looked away slightly once again.

"I'm interested in what our community is up to!"

"Mhm, sure thing Danny boy."

Calm down Arin, calm down. Don't show him how you feel. Don't ruin the friendship, that's the last thing that you need.

I looked back down, and I was about to click on one before I was stopped.

"Wait Arin, chat keeps telling you to look up another word after egobang. I can't really read it cause I'm only catching glances of chat so you'll have to read it yourself."

I started reading chat and a light, almost unnoticeable, blush spread across his cheeks.

"Noooooo, Daaaaan! They want me to look up smut!"

Dan's eyes widened just the littlest bit before nearly choking on air.

"W-Well I guess you have to give them what they want. Just censor the inappropriate words."

With a huff, I typed "smut" in the search bar after "Egobang" and then clicked on the first one that he saw.

I cleared his throat before he started to read out loud.

"Arin forced Dan down on the bed, pinning Dan's wrists above his head and holding his legs down with his own, straddling him.

'Arin? What are you-?'

'Shhhh, just go it it~' okay I can't keep reading this."

The two men burst into laughter while the chat was filled with disappointed viewers' comments.

"Guys I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but I was cringing waaaay too hard. Nothing against the author though! I'm sure they're a wonderful person."

"When was that written?"

It took me a few seconds and some squinting to find the date.

"Haha! It was written in 2013!"

"Oh my god, that was 7 years ago!"

With another laugh, went back to reading that chat. Soon enough, they were all filled with suggestions of what I should do next if I'm not going to read anymore fanfiction of me and the other man in the room.

While reading, I discretely hid my blushing face.

Oh god, these are so inappropriate, how is this allowed in stream? These guys are gonna be banned, and worst of all, I don't need to be thinking about Dan like this right now. With his big busy curls and perfect body, and the way his clothes will cling onto him when he moves, and the way he laughs, with his smile that melts my heart, and the way he stares into my eyes, and- god damnit! Now is not the time to get all mushy!

I zoned back into the chat, trying my best to block out the inappropriate comments until one caught my eye.

'Sit next to Dan and lay your head on his shoulder!'

Okay, I can probably that without freaking out too much.

I got up and sat right next to Dan on the couch, no space in between us, and laid his my head on Dan's shoulder. I could feel him tense up quite a lot.

"What are you doing man?"

"I'm doing what the chat wants me to do."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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