Chapter 1: the Rabbit meets the Angel

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hi my name is Lee HongBin and what i am? I’m an guardian angel. well, I used to be until one day i was trap in this abandon studio where I was trap by some kind of curse, i asked help from above but none of them could heard me, it’s like I’m on a barrier with in this studio, weird right?, so yeah pretty much I’ve been alone in this studio for years now. what that? how long? probably 5 years already, and the moral I'm guarding had already died after I was trap here since I wasn't there to guard her, pretty obvious right but to tell you the truth I want to get out here and if there is a way I’ll grab any opportunity that comes except me giving my soul and to serve a devil...people that have come here that couldn’t really see me thinks I’m an lost soul so that’s where they started to call me, 'lost soul’.

And along with this 5 years I met this weird and unusual mortal, our first meeting was unexpected, I saw her crying alone on the middle of the studio, and of course I could help it and I hide my wings and pretended like everybody though I would be, and what weird is she can see me, there I pretend I was like a homeless person but what weird is, she sense that I wasn’t mortal like her, that I was just pretending, but she really though I was just an ordinary spirit, she never suspected that I was an angel, but of course to my curiosity, I asked her how and all she could say is,

"I have a special gift that no one ever appreciate..."which I questioned,

"gift?" she smiled at me and reply,

"yes, gift! a gift of seeing, sensing and even talking to lonely spirits like you..." I smiled and chuckled,

"lonely? Who? Me? I wasn't lonely!" I lied, she stared at me and told me,

"liar!" which took me of guard, "you’re not a very good liar you know that..." I smiled and looked at her,

" I know!" scratching the back of my head, and with that we talked about a lot of stuff but mostly how I got here and trapped here, minus me being an guardian angel, which I thought of her,

"she's sure unusual of a mortal, I’ve been encounter before..." and her last statement made me feel I’m special even though we just met,

"I know there are places you wanted to go to and to visit but you couldn't leave this abandon curse studio so I’ll try my best to find a way to free you from this cold curse studio..." she told me with a confident smile on her,

"but you know very well, you don’t need so... but still thank you..." I said, knowing this is impossible, and smiled at her, but what she just said made me wanting to hold her head or hug her but I couldn’t since I am a spirit, an angel, I could only hold her when it is necessary like when I need to save her or what but still her saying that made my hope a little high. After that unexpected meeting she seldom come here until it became every day, along with her visits are stories she shares at me which made me question her,

"why do you feel so comfortable around me? I know even though I'm a spirit doesn't that bothers you at all? don't you have real mortal friends you could hang out with?" she looked at me and stared at me with this 'are-you-shoving-me-away' face,

"I-I do have few friends but I prefer hanging out with you because you make me so comfortable to talk..." she said which made me wonder what does she meant but looking her eyes she was sincere and with that I asked her name but all she told me is her fake name,

"Rabbit!" which I questioned, she told me only I could call her that, but you know what, she is cute like a rabbit especially when she pout those fluffy pinkish cheeks, and for me, I gave her what people that comes here calls me, 'Lost Soul’,

“lost soul? Hmm… not very nice name..” she said, “how about “Angel?” she suggested?

“Angel?” I questioned, “wait! Does she know I’m an angel?” I questioned, starting to panic,

She nodded with a smile on her face, “neh! Angel!” she repeated, “you smile like an angel and it’s very pleasing to see, for some reason it makes me calm and happy whenever I see you smile..” she explained,

“oh!” I reacted and since then we became real close friends.

this lovely mortal who had smiled at me couple of times which was amazing, if I couldn't sense her soul I would really thought she's an angel like me and ever since that day this girl always comes here and shares me different stories, stories that are so random and concrete but fun to listen, there were even times I see her in tears which bothers me but she would wipe them with her own mortal delegate fingers and smile at me again, but what’s really bothers me is "where's her angel? why couldn't I sense her angel?" and this questions comes and goes at me and I feel so bothered by it until one day she never came here ever again so I was alone again for 2 years.

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