1. Shiver

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Wooyoung stepped off the evening train and onto the station platform, his body immediately encompassed by a blistering gust of wind, which billows around his body, chilling him to his very core and making him shiver.

Wooyoung groans to himself.

He'd made a terrible assumption this morning thinking the perfect clear blue skies and warm sunshine that shone through his curtains would last all day. He had blinded himself with thinking that even though it was indeed late autumn, that he'd be fine in just jeans and his basic work tee.

Spoilers. Wooyoung was wrong, and he was not fine.

Wooyoung was absolutely cold and he wished he'd brought a hoodie, a coat, a beanie, gloves, a scarf, the whole ensemble really, because now the sky was dark and starless, the wind was blowing a gale, and the warmth of the morning sun was long gone.

The shadows of night had well and truly settled around him and it made the skies above even more broody and chilling then it already was.

Wooyoung's teeth chattered and he hugged his arms to his chest as he shuffled with the mass of other passengers that had departed from the stale yet welcomed warmth of the train. He made his way towards the platform gates, not bothering to apologise each time he bumped into someone, he didn't care, nobody cared.

The train quickly sped off once all the passengers had departed creating an even colder chilling wind that sent shivers down Wooyoung's spine.

Wooyoung looked up towards the gloomy night sky above but he was blinded by a train station lamp and adverted his gaze back to the ground, his eyes now focusing on the heels of passengers shuffling in front of him instead.

Wooyoung finally approached the train gates and he tapped his train pass on the ticket machine and slid through the barriers and out the other side.

His home was only a 15 minute walk from the station, and usually he didn't mind the walk, but today he just wanted to go home in a snap and put something warm and snugly on.

Its times like this he wished he could click his fingers and be home in an instant, just like magic. But it was pointless dwelling on childhood fantasies, that wasn't possible, magic wasn't real he should be realistic and think about saving for a car or at least a bike.

Wooyoung walked up the ramp and across the bridge that sat over the station platform, and navigated his way through the car park which was busy with people heading to their cars to go home, in a couple of minutes the car park would likely be empty, only 1 or 2 cars at most remaining.

Wooyoung made it to the road, and he quickly looked left and right before crossing. Unfortunately even despite looking a car pulled out of nowhere narrowly missing him.

Bowing profusely and sputtering a series of apologies, he rushed to the other side of the road, ignoring the stern glare of the driver behind the wheel.

Wooyoung slowed his pace once he was far enough away from the main road, and he pulled out his phone, then headphones and popped them in his ears.

His feet naturally moved on autopilot through the shadows of the trees that hung over the pavement, and every now and then the lights of homes and street lamps cast warmth onto his gloomy frozen soul.

Wooyoung lived an hour and a bit from the city in a diverse spirited little town which sat on the edge of a grand forest. Despite having trains passing through every now and then it was actually pretty quiet.

The area was mostly filled with locals and families who had lived here since they were children themselves, and Wooyoung could practically name each one of the his neighbours by heart.

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