chapter 1 Flashback

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Shu's POV
It was dawn and it had been a long day for me. Ever since I lost to Lui I went by the name Red Eye. I wanted to destroy every bey. So I hid myself from humiliation and I got stronger and stronger. I hope nobody follows my path. The path I chose was too dangerous. As I started walking home I saw Valt and Aiger doing some really intense training. I think Valt was showing Aiger the training he did and the fundamentals of being a good blader. Then suddenly Valt turns around and calls out to me so I walk over to him and Aiger. I then began to speak. "Hey guys!" I say smiling mainly at Valt. Aiger looks at me then he looks at Valt not knowing what's going on because we communicated with our minds. "Uhhh...What's going on?" Aiger says looking confused. "Oh it's nothing" I say laughing. Valt then stares into my soul and he then smiles and says "Yea it's nothing-" Aiger nods and smiles at us. "I'm going to find Fubuki-" i say as Aiger races to find Fubuki. In a way Aiger reminds me of Valt. I don't know why though it's just a feeling. "COME ON LET'S FIND FUBUKI!!" Aiger says excited. They seem like good friends. In my opinion I think that Aiger has a crush on Fubuki. Which would be so cool if they dated I've shipped it for a long time now.  So then we finally found Fubuki. Valt tagged along with us too. Which was great. I would be able to hang out with someone because Aiger and Fubuki were too busy training with each other to even notice our presence. As I talked to Valt I looked over at Fubuki and Aiger and they were blushing at each other. Valt noticed too and we smirked at each other like we knew where this was going. It got dark pretty quickly. We all walked home and said bye to each other.

The next morning
BEEP BEEP goes my alarm clock as I open up my crimson red eyes and I get up onto my feet. I then walk over to my bathroom and I stare at myself in the mirror to see my face and I looked really tired so I splashed water onto my face. Then I walk to the kitchen and I did my morning stuff before camp. I then head to the meeting spot and I saw Valt hanging out with Fubuki and Aiger. I run over to them and we all hang out. We were all good friends and we had the beyclub members too. So we were one big friend group. We also were friends with Ranjiro and his group. We all decided to go to the camping spot together so we did and we told each other scary stories. It was my turn and I told everyone the Red Eye incident story and what to be aware of.

Flashback 3rd person POV
"Shu Kurenai is no more you'll be known as Red Eye" says Ashtem as Shu puts on his mask. Shu would do whatever it takes to get stronger than anyone else in the world. Shu was determined to be the best. He wanted power and destruction to all beys. He thought he could get power by cracking beys. But he was wrong. But luckily Valt never gave up on Shu. Well when he found out that Shu is Red Eye.

When Valt found out that Shu is Red Eye
As Shu faced off against Lui, Valt watched the match to see who will win. Then suddenly CRACK! Goes Red Eye's mask as it revealed to be Shu. "I cracked the case I've known it was you all along" Lui says as Shu screams. Everyone was shocked but then Lui says "My old friend you've become great at losing maybe even the best" Then he laughed. Valt then chases after Shu who is walking away. Valt was happy to see his friend who he had been searching for. Then Shu just walks away and pushes Valt. Valt then runs up to Lui and says "LUI BATTLE ME!!" Lui then turns around and says "Valt to the rescue..." Then Valt gets angry and yells "I'M HERE TO AVENGE SHU!!" Lui then says "You're like him HA a LOSER!!" Everyone then got intense. Including Valt's friends.

After flashbacks

Shu's POV
After I told everyone the story they looked shocked and scared. Except for Valt who understood all of the pain. I then started to cry but I felt warmth like someone was hugging me. I look up to see Valt hugging me which made me smile. I hug him back and I hear everyone saying "Awww shippp" I smile at everyone to show how I don't mind them shipping me and Valt. We all then ate marshmallows and went to sleep in our tents.

The next morning
We all woke up and we went to the park which had a bey stadium and we all battled it was amazing. Along the way some ships sailed like Fubuki x Aiger and Wakiya x Honcho. We got them to sail. We just needed me x Valt to sail since I like him and all. We all laughed and chatted too. It was awesome. We all decided to go back to our homes for the day. It was a fun day.

Dear Diary
I know I don't usually write in my diary but I just can't stop thinking about Valt. It's just that I've liked him for so long I just don't know what to do anymore. Because I wanna tell him that I like him but I'm afraid that he might reject me. So I'm writing to get this off my chest.

After writing in the diary
I placed my diary onto my bedside table and I had a shower and I went straight to bed and I went to sleep and I didn't have Valt on my mind anymore.

Thats the end of this chapter I ran out of ideas for this chapter so yea the word count is 1034 cya! -Crimson Shu

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