Chapter 1

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"Dad!" Clara exclaims running up to him. He opens his arms which she gladly runs into. "I missed you!" She whispers. 

"I missed you too, pumpkin!" Sirius says. He kisses her forehead. "Harry's upstairs," Sirius says and right on queue there was shouting. Clara sighs and shakes her head. 

"I'll speak to him," Clara walks up the stairs. "Harry shut up!" She screams. The people downstairs here Clara screaming at Harry. 

"Yup, she's defiantly your daughter," Remus says standing next to Tonks. Sirius chuckles. 

"Wouldn't doubt it for a second," 

Harry storms downstairs with Clara following. "Harry James Potter!" She shouts. Using someone's full name was just as bad as using someone's last name. "Don't you walk away from me," 

"No one is telling me anything!"

"That's because we were told not to tell you, we're not being told anything anyway. It doesn't concern us! Leave it to the Order!" Clara says. 

"It doesn't concern us? Last year you were basically kidnapped by Voldemort! Of course, it concerns us!" Harry says. 

"What?" Sirius breathes. "You were taken?" Clara's heart pounds. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because it wasn't anything Sirius, and I knew that you would freak out. I was fine then and I'm fine now," 

"I'll let you off because you used my name in a pun, but next time tell me please," Sirius hugs her. Clara chuckles.

"I will," 


"Pinky promise," They hug for sometime. 

"I'm not losing my daughter," he whispers. 

"You never will!" Clara says. They pull back. 

Tears (Sirius Black's daughter) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now