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Hey! I'm just gonna revamp this story! Its still gonna have the same gerenal idea but maybe be alittle different.


Hello Book,

I don't know what to really put in here so um... I just joined this guild called "Fairy Tail". Weird name right? Anyways, the guild master, Gramps gave me you, a book or a diary, because he thinks you'll help  with me being is control with my feelings... Which is alittle weird because my emotion is usually shown by the color of my eyes color..  Guess he thought it'll still help in a way but I guess thats it for now.

(your name)~


Hello again Book,

Guess what! We have new member that joined today! I think his name was Natsu... Weird name and his hair is pink! Pink! I don't like pink like that but it make him look so adorable! Also, he was trained by a dragon! Isn't that awesome! I always knew dragons was real! Gramps called him a "Dragon Slayer" and said it's a rare magic! Gramps also made me meet him because something about us having an alike magic which makes no sense because he was trained by a dragon I wasn't. But I am able to make fire, water, ice, iron and some other stuff too! Oh and even though was Natsu's first day here, him and Gray wasn't getting along very well, I guess you can't mixed ice and fire together... Like EVER. Oh and when Gramps made us meet (me and Natsu) I was so shy which happens a lot when I meet new people but this shyness was different.. I wonder why? But anyways it doesn't really matter. Bye!

(your name)~


Hey book,

Guess what! Natsu found an dragon egg today! I can't wait until it hatches to see the dragon! I hope they are as nice as Natsu say they are.  So, my best friend, Lisanna, the youngest of three shape shifter mages, at least thats what I call it, (please don't tell Ezra that I got it wrong again), anyways Lisanna is helping Natsu hatch the dragon egg. I would have done it if I wasn't so nervous around him. But, I went to check in them to see how they were doing and when Lisanna said "Like husband and wife" I felt something strike through my heart not physically, but I think this was emotionally... Even now tears are still flowing down my face. I don't know what this feeling is. Please help.

(your name)~


Dear Book,

I haven't used you in a while like a very long while. So, let me add you up to everything that have happen so far. The 'dragon' turned out to be this blue flying cat thingy which Natsu called Happy. It is so cuteee. So for the past couple of years I started to open up. But, hm... Lisanna and I have grown apart (I mean we still hang out just not as much as we used to) while her and Natsu grown together. Natsu and I grown together too but I feel like it probably isn't as close as Lisanna and Natsu are. Oh and it turns out I'm this rare mage called the dragon's helper. The dragon's helper was one of the first mages to live on earth and they were able to help the dragons, that why I'm able to use more than one magic elements which is cool and all. So thats all for now. Oh more thing, it turns out that I have a crush on Natsu (according to Gramps a while back) but, yea ,no big deal now, he likes Lisanna and Lisanna likes him. Which you could say that it makes me a little.... Jealous. But everyone says they will be the best couple. So, I'm not going to ruin that for them. I may get jealous from time to time but I'm not a bitch. But yea thats it for now Peace.

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