Lucky and Cadpig's Punishment

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When Roger and Anita's house proves to be too much trouble for the 101 dogs they own, they move to a new farm. Lucky, Cadpig, and Rolly, however, prefer the city life and are determined to return to their old home.

Unable to convince their siblings to follow them on this plan, with Rolly changing his mind and not wanting to go back home without the adults, however, Cadpig and Lucky decided to run away on their own!

"We can go back home." Lucky said, smirking. "Enjoy city life again instead of that farm, it'll be awesome!" he said.

"I do believe we failed to consider a most crucial detail before starting our current endeavor, Lucky." Cadpig suddently said.

"Ehh....what?" Lucky asked. "You lost me there."

Cadpig sighed at that and clarified, "In simpler terms, my less enlightened sibling, we didn't think about something before we decided to do it, and I noticed that now."

"Oh. And what would that be?" Lucky asked.

"We can't simply live on our own, what about food? Not to mention, mommy, daddy, and the others will all be worried about us." Cadpig pointed out.

"Ahh, c'mon. They know us, and know there is only one place we could go." Lucky pointed out. "Besides, have you forgot who I am? I'm not named "Lucky" for nothing, ya know. We'll find a way to get food till everyone comes back home."

Cadpig raised an eyebrown. "Are you quite sure this will work?"

"Of course! Listen, everyone cares for us, right?" Lucky asked.

"Well, yeah." Cadpig nodded."Do go on."

"Which means, they'll go after us as soon as we are gone." Lucky said. "Knowing we could only come back home, they'll go after us there."

Cadpig nodded. "Indeed, that scenario is quite likely." she said.

"And once they see how serious we are about living here on the city, they'll realise it's a mistake to leave us unhappy by leaving us stuck on a farm!" Lucky concluded.

Cadpig smiled. "Oh! I see! I am quite surprised that you had such a brilliant concept of how to solve our current predictement!"

Once seeing Lucky's face, she sighed and put it another way, "I'm surprised you had such a good idea. Way to go!"

Lucky blinked. "Hey now, I always have good ideas!"

"Indeed, they usually are good. Good ways to get us in trouble!" Cadpig lightly teased.

However, things wouldn't quite go as the siblings had hoped!

Cruella was waiting on their old home. She kidnapped them, to force the Dearly to give the farm to her!

In the end, however, Lucky and Cadpig were rescued. However,the siblings weren't out of the hook yet!

Pongo and Perdita scolded them for a while, but once they calmed down, Pongo said, "You are both grounded for a week, young pups."

"A WEEK?! C'mon, dad, we'll die from boredom!" Lucky whined.

Perdita sighed. "Pongo, no need to ground them for so very long....let me deal with their punishment, please. That way,I can also talk with our pups."

Pongo sweatdropped. He knew well Perdita was not to be denied when she is upset! But also knew she can gentle and understanding even during this. "Okay, Perdita." he nodded."You talk to them."

"Lucky, Cadpig, please, come with me." she said.

Her children obeyed, a bit nervous.

Perdita sighed. She'd never do what she had in mind in anger, so she decided to first hear her pups out. "So,dears...what do you have to say?"

"Mommy, we don't wanna move from home!" Lucky whined.

"Yes, that I noticed...but go on." Perdita said, nodding.

"We are used to our previous residence. This new enviroment, mommy, is too different, we cannot adapt to this!" Cadpig argumented.

Perdita lightly smiled, shaking her head. Her little girl was so smart, yet she can, like any pup, sometimes make the wrong choices. "I see. But anwser me, when have we moved here?"

"" Lucky said.

"Yes, a single day that did not even end...I fail to see how you can be so sure you'll never adapt yourselves if you did not even try." she said.

Both puppies gasped, their mother had a pretty valid point!

"Which brings us to the next topic....what was your idea exactly?" Perdita asked.

Cadpig sighed. "We were hoping, mommy, that you guys would come for us on our old home..."

"...And noticed we were serious about liking our old home better, so you'd change your mind about moving..." Lucky sighed.

Perdita nodded. "But instead, we almost lost you. Dears, I understand why you did this....but it was too reckless. You are still young puppies, you could have gotten lost, or worse...and we would all be very sad if anything were to happen to you."

".....We're sorry, mommy..." the two naughty pups whimpered.

"Mommy is sorry too, dears...but, while I convinced your father not to to ground you, there must be a punishment still. I hoped I'd never have to do this, but it was earned...dears, please lay down on your backs, belly up." Perdita sadly said.

Lucky and Cadpig were confused, but obeyed.Confusion only increased as Perdita held their hind paws up, exposing their white bottoms....before the first spank said bottoms ever felt hit them!

"OWWWW! Mommy, that hurts!" Lucky whined.

"Yes, I know. That is called a spanking. It's what pups get when they are really naughty." Perdita said, still spanking.

"Oww, oww, owwie, mommy, surely there is less-oww! Less extreme alternatives!" Cadpig whined.

"I am sorry, Cadpig, but this time there'll be no dialogue about this." Perdita sighed, alternating cheeks.

The pups cried softly.

Perdita sighed."What are you learning?" she asked, going all over their bottoms.

"Waaaaaaaahhh, not to run awaaaaaayyy!!!" Lucky bawled.

"Waaaaaaahhh, and, sob, t-to refrain from, owwie, worryin' everyone! Waaaaaaahhhh...." Cadpig bawled.

"And what'll happen if you do it again?" Perdita asked, spanking the sitspots.

"Waaaaahhh, mommy'll spank us!!" they bawled.

Perdita nodded, them helped them on a hug. It took a good five minutes, but soon they calmed down...

"Please, don't you EVER worry us like this again. Mommy doesn't like to spank you, but she will if you are REAL naughty, okay?"

"Y-yeah, mommy..."

"Good." she said, licking their cheeks gently."Now,time for bed. If you behave, I can tell you a bedtime story..."

Her pups finnaly smiled with small sniffles at her tender conforting, and soon went to their new room.

The End

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