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(heres a hint of this pov will be~
🩸y 🎨 er its obvious)
??? POV
I walked across the corridor and down to the hallway.I finished a painting(the picture above)i love how it captures exactly what i thought

..I heard about a new 'worker' her name was (letter thats sounds like your first letter)(letter that's exactly your 2nd letter)?I don't know much.Speaking of her i see her walking with Ben and Talking about...Video games?

Alright whatever.I went to the coffee machine,lifted my mask until my nose and sipped some coffee...Suddenly a loud voice spoke and (y/n)?jumped so i supposed we all heard it.

'Please come to my office everyone'

I look at Ben.He looks at me.I then looked at (Y/n)....Fuck shes beautiful...I shake off the thought and walked to Slendy's office and a lot of people was already there...

l.j-Holding some candy and giving it to people

e.j-Eating kidneys or whatever

toby-annoying Masky


hoodie-Leaning on a table using his phone

Jeff -Running from Nina

Jane-Laughing her butt off

Nina-Chasing Jeff



Ben -Just entered

(Y/n)-Just entered

Sally-Coloring on slender's desk

"Ben can i talk to you?"(E.j)



"Sigh...Fine WHAT do you NEED?"(Ben)


"I gotchu my Jef-jef-chan~"(Nina)

"Woah no fucking way BWAHAHAHA"(Jane)

"HEY mAsKy hEy mASKY hEy mAsKy hEy mAsKyyYyyy"(Toby)

"Geez don't worry Sally!Have a candy!"(L.j)

'ENOUGH!I called you all here cause i have important news...'

Everyone stopped talking and look at slendy with interested eyes even though i know they aren't.

'Uhm...Zal- our rival business Zalgo internationals has gone a bit...Weird and kidnapped random workers at random times.So i will be allowing dorms.I hav- r-rented a mansion in the forest..There we will all stay in the mean time'

"Yes sir."

We all answered with fear and stuff like that.Soon we all went back to the mansion.

I fucking missed this place!I went straight to the couch though.Im not letting ANYONE not even e.j sit here

.So i laid down.After a while (y/n) was playing with smile and sitting in front of the t.v.

I watched how she played taking note of her every detail.Ofc i might draw her later since im doing so.
(h/l)-Hair length)
(h/c)-hair color)
(e/c)-eye color)
(c/y/c)-(clothes you choose)
....Shes an angel...Wow.,.I shake my head and talked to her...

"Hi there.(y/n) is it?."

Bloody painter is it?Yeah he asked.

"yes!And are you Bloody painter?"
"Yes but, call me Helen!"
"Okay then"

We both talked for a while and started to talk about paint.And then..

"Thats why i like red..."
"Oh alright."

Soon we got sorted into our rooms my roommates were Ben,Helen/bp and Hoodie!(i chose Hoodie since he's not a big part of the storyline)I mean not what i expected but...Im fine with it...I walked into our/my room with Bp once we remembered...I looked at everyone there.They were doing their own things.

Soon enough it was midnight and i fell asleep at the bottom/middle/top part of the bunk.Its really comfortable to be honest!Sigh goodnight

(Cheesus mice!I finished this (without authors note)at 3:36 am 0-0"" wahteverrr hope you enjoyeddd bai word count:604 wordsAlso im so sorry i was gone for a LONG time its just ye baii)

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