Chapter 25.

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Song:- Back to you. (Selena Gomez)

I can't promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone.


Third POV.

Anaya was feeling very tense, what was that,... are they going to send her back, don't know why but this thought was giving her relief, maybe they won't accept this certain marriage and will send her back,

"I hope everything is alright inside, Dadu sa (grandfather) mostly don't react this way....don't worry Anaya I will be with you...but where this Arjun bhai is gone leaving you here...if he was here then this wouldn't have happened..."

Anaya just gave a small smile to Aashi. She didn't want to be accepted, maybe this is her chance to leave here and go back to her place.

"Why are you guys outside....didn't I tell you Ron to take my wife inside...." Arjun's harsh words made them jump in their place... They turn to him...

" Thank god.. bhai you came back.... the thing is Dadu sa took everyone inside and ask us to wait outside......." Aashi explains nervously...

All the while Arjun's focus was on his wife who was looking at ease....he understood her inner thought.....

He took her hand and tighten his grip and said,

"Don't worry wife no one will separate us......I won't let will be with me till your last breath... it's my promise....."

Then he kissed her hand, Anaya was looking at him with wide eyes.....Aashi was literally about to faint...

Is this her Arjun brother......

Anaya tries to take her hand back but Arjun only tightens his grip,

"Let's go in shall we...." Arjun just smirks at her attempt.

He starts taking her inside... when they reach the main door, one voice booms on them,

"Stop right there.....I told you Aashi to keep her outside....didn't I...."

Rana Shiv Singh Rajvansh was standing before them with a serious face,

Arjun frowned at his Grandfather and said,

"Dadu sa may I know why......she is my wife and have Every right to come inside with me........"

"Well....young man......this is still my house and I'm still the Owner so it should be me who decides who can live and who cannot....isn't it...."

Rana Shiv was angry with Arjun to marry so suddenly and that a girl who is not from their culture.....but he understood was Arjun they are talking about and he never listens to anyone when he decided something he does it anyhow.....Pavitra was making him understand the situation that what's done is done....they need to accept the reality. Everyone was OK with it after Rana Udhav told them that Arjun loves that girl..and also about the Rathod alliance for Aashi, they were shocked but they understood that this alliance will benefit their party and kingdom, they all agreed....but 2 people were not happy with this marriage...

Chitra and her Daughter-in-law...Shruti.... now what, that Arjun....married someone else, they have planted Ruhani to trap could this be possible, according to Ruhani she had control over Arjun.....then what....are they going to be always under Rana Udhav and Sampoorna.....what about Chitra's son Rana Viraj Singh Rajvansh.....he should be new king and CM. of Rajasthan.....


Chitra tries to manipulate the situation,

"But Baba sa....this is against our Rajvansh custom.....our alliance is always with royal can a commoner be accepted......what will people say......" Virat tries to stop her from saying nonsense...

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