I've Got You, Babe (Mpreg)

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I’ve Got You, Babe (A Larry Mpreg)



Harry Styles' life got turned upside down two year ago, when his boyfriend broke up with him out of the blue for no reason. Louis, his boyfriend, simply said he was tired of all Harry’s ways and it was time for them to move on, they both knew this was coming one day. Harry never thought that Louis would break up with but he did and ruined Harry. Harry had to spend two years in a mental institution and on his first day out, he found out why Louis broke up with him… (This is an Mpreg- Male pregnancy- where a man is pregnant)  

AN: There will be a lot of flashback in the story, they will be emphasized with –dashes- and the whole flashback will be in italics. If any of the story confuses you, just ask me, I know my writing can get that way because it is all jumbled in my head. :P Also, beware, this story has a lot of feelings in it. 0.o lol.  

Warning This Story Contains: Suicidal Thought and Suicide Attempts, if any of this bothers you, please do not read this. If you do read further, know that I am here for you, no matter what my inbox is always open.


              Harry Styles was back in London for the first time since his boyfriend, Louis, of four years broke up with him out of the blue. Harry didn’t know why Louis broke up with him but it pretty much broke his heart and turned him off of guys for a while, though he was now ready to face Louis again. He was ready to hang out with the mates he’d only texted with the last two years, the mates that have no clue that Harry had been in a mental institution for those two years because he tried to kill himself. Luckily, a nurse by the name of Caroline Flack showed Harry that there was something to live for, other than a bloke who broke his heart. Cazza, as Harry likes to call her, had been in a nasty divorce right before Harry was admitted; they took comfort in each other. Harry was walking down the once familiar streets, the hand that still had his ID bracelet was stuffed in his trench coat pocket, he was heading to a pub where his mates were throwing him a party. Harry had asked for them not to invite Louis, no matter how much they insisted the ex-lover wanted to see Harry, Harry didn’t want the pain of seeing Louis again. When he reached the pub, a woman with blonde hair was waiting outside, she smiled at Harry happily. “Caroline, love, I didn’t know you were coming. Did my mum invite you?” Harry asked before kissing Caroline on the cheek, then leading her into the pub.

              “You know how much your mum loves me. I was the miracle nurse that fixed her baby boy’s depression. Though I wonder if she found out all I did was talk about how shitty my life was, if she would still love me.” Caroline said, her voice coming out with a teasing tone that held wisdom in it, showing the fact that she was at least, twenty years older than Harry. “So, is the ex going to be here? Should I call our friend, Grimmy, up and have him come down here? He could shove his tongue down your throat and I would get to watch the ex’s face, see if he still has feelings or whatnot.” Harry laughed at Cazza’s antics, she was funny and always knew how to make him smile, it never failed really. Harry led her over to some his mates, smiling and introducing everyone happily, until his eyes landed on a head of tussled brown hair. The hair belonged to no one other than Louis Tomlinson, who was holding a baby (or maybe, a toddler, Harry was never good at telling ages), standing next to a beautiful girl.  


              It was one of those nights where Harry had allowed his best mate, Niall, to talk him into going to a party when he should be studying. But he was in Uni and he was young, so he should live a little fun, according to Niall anyway. That would explain why Harry is leaning against some unknown guy’s wall, holding a cup full of beer, while he stares off into the distance. Parties were never his thing, he liked people and enjoyed talking to them but he liked it better when both people could remember the conversation the next day. Niall was a party animal, he blamed it on his Irish blood, Harry thinks he just likes to show off his high alcohol tolerance. “Not really your scene, mate?” Harry turned towards the person talking to him and came face to face with a fit bloke, one that Harry would usually hit on but he looked way too drunk for Harry’s advances.

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