Good Byes

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"Are you done packing?" My mom yells up the empty stairs. "Almost let me just finish packing these shirts." I shout back down the stairs. "Well hurry so we can go get some ice cream at 'Ice Cold Creamery'." My mom screams trying to get me downstairs. "Mom just wait in the car with dad and Allison!" I yell getting tired of her trying to get me down stairs. "Fine Rose I'll wait in the car but hurry." My mom says. I wait until I hear the door close then I run into the bathroom, turn on the light and grab the plant that has been growing by the sink for 2 weeks. I put it in a special case I bought for it so it can grow bigger.

I pack the case in the suit case. I put the last suit case on the floor next to my bed. I take my phone out of my pocket I look at the time it's 3:00 pm. As I'm walking downstairs I wonder why did mom say to hurry? As I walk down the steps of the stairs I almost trip. Ugh Allison left her plush pony that we got from Texas that has a hard nose and eyes which makes it easy to trip on. I grab the pony and walk down the stairs. I run into the garage and get in the car and plop down in the seat next to Allison. "Good Rose you finally came, me and your father have something very important to tell you and it's also a big reason why we're moving." My mom says. "What's the news?" Allison asks being very curious as usual. "Well...Um...I don't know how to exactly say this...but...We're having another baby." My mom finally announces. I gasp and I have to pick up my jaw off the ground before I can answer. I look at Allison's face and her face is blank with expression until I snap my fingers in front of her face and she snaps out of it. I give her the pony she calls Apple Jack. Then she drops it when the shock of the news hits her again. I have to pick her pony up and shove it in her arms. Then I finally say "Is this a joke or something are we being punked?" "Nope it's true." My dad says. Then we start backing out of the drive way and start driving to get ice cream.

I hurry and get my phone out and text Jennifer (Jenn my bffl) the news. We finally get there and instead of staying with the family I just run inside and run straight to the ice cream. Time passes and I check my phone no messages from Jenn that's weird it's already 3:45. I relax a little thinking she'll read it in the next 15 minutes.

While I'm in the car driving to Jenn's house, I also text my other bffl Claire the news and that I'm going to her house afterwards. I wait 5 minutes I get a text from Claire before I get a text from Jenn. I read the text then wait for Jenn to text me. About 5 minutes later I get a text, it's from Jenn I read it and it says 'We're running a little late because Lilly won't stop running away trying to buy these mermaid costumes.' Before I can reply I get the phone snatched away by Alli. "Allison give my phone back!" I snap at her. But before I can get my phone beck she says "We're going to Lilly's house?!" "Yes give me back my phone!" I snap at her once again.

Allison finally returns my Iphone 5. After about 15 minutes Jenn's old rusty white (practically beige now) garage opens and their blue Honda van pulls into the drive way and goes inside the garage. Instead of closing the garage they just leave it open. All 4 of them get out of their car and my parents get out and follows them inside. Allison and I get out, Allison runs to Lilly and gives her a big hug. I run over to Jenn and give her a squeeze, we all run inside for some lunch.

About an hour has passes and we're getting ready to go to Claire's house. As we're leaving a lot of hugs and tears happen. After this we say our last good byes and walk out the door to our car. As the car passes her house I wave then turn away knowing if I wave to long I'll cry again.

We stop in front of Claire's, I walk inside with my family as we always just walk inside. I smile at Claire and follow her to her room while Alli goes and talks with Joy and our parents talk. "So your really going huh?" Claire asks sadly. "What am I supposed to do? I have no choice what do I tell my dad? 'Hey dad lets stay even though this is the best thing that's ever happend to you?" I respond all smart like. "No." Claire says quietly looking down. "I'm sorry I over reacted." I say patting her back.

After a few hours we ate hung out and then we left of course we cried again. Then we got home all soggy and wet because it rained. I got in bed after I slowly change my clothes. I just want to get to sleep and wash away my worries in my dreams.

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