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Heyyyy wattpad!

First of all this is my first time trying to write a romance and I tried to keep it as short as possible. Pardon me for any mistakes or cringe worthy moments [if you come across any]. Also, please let me know what you guys think of it. constructive criticism is always appreciated. I hope you like it.

love xxxxxxx


Darren's pov

"Oh hi Darren!" Camille greeted me as she stepped out of her dorm room.
"Hey, is she..."
"Yep, she's asleep right now." She cut me off. I nodded in response and she left.
I tiptoed my way into the room, trying to stay as quiet as possible. She was sleeping in her vintage jeans and chunky peach coloured sweater that she adored. "She must have been really tired to be able to sleep in jeans." I thought to myself, she never slept in jeans. I slid into the chair next to the desk and let out a sigh of relief after making it to the table without waking her up. She looked beautiful, sleeping all peacefully, partly curled up in a ball with her brown wavy hair covering half of her face. She still looked beautiful and I couldn't help but smile while looking at her. It was when she rubbed her eyes while struggling to open them, I realised I had been staring and smiling at her sleeping for 15 minutes and quickly shifted my gaze to the unorganised pile of paper on her desk.
After shifting in the bed for a couple minutes, she finally woke up and noticed my presence.
" Morning Cooper, when did you come?" She asked as her lips curled into a little smile, her eyes still heavy and lazy with sleep.
"Just a minute ago and it's afternoon." I replied while pretending to arrange the papers trying to hide my fidgeting hands.
"Crap! I missed the first lecture, didn't I ?" She frowned and I nodded in response. "Why are you organizing my papers though?"
" By the way, I didn't know girls wore makeup to bed." I said trying to divert her from the topic and she looked at me in confusion, I guess it took her a minute to realise that I was talking about her.
"I don't!" She sighed. " I slept too late last night, I was doing something."
"You were binge watching kdramas again." I said and she gave me her 'I am guilty' smile.
"And then I saw that I had a text from Liam, he wanted me to grab breakfast with him before his early morning practice. So, I woke up at 6 and got dressed......."
"So, you went out on a date?" I cut her mid sentence.
"No, he stood me up."
"Again." She gave me a tight smile.
"Get up and wear your shoes. We're going to go get something to eat." I announced as I sat up from the chair.
"I'd rather not, it's so cold outside!"
"I don't care, I'm starving. I didn't even get the time to get breakfast, I slept in." I lied.
"Really?" Her eyebrows furrowed. I nodded, too fast that my neck hurt. "coffee and caramel pancakes?" I asked knowing that's her favourite breakfast on a winter morning.

She smiled "How could I ever say no to that?"

The car ride from the dormitory to the café was quiet, neither of us spoke. I knew she was upset, had she just been pissed or angry she would be screaming curses and yelling about how she was done with everything but she wasn't, she was quiet and that wasn't the typical Ophelia Ryan I knew. I met Ophelia for the first time during our first year of high school. Technically, that was the first time I saw her. We didn't talk to each other until we met again in college. I still remember every single detail about the first time I saw Ophelia. She was sitting on the bleachers, wearing a loose green flannel and a pair of white shorts, her long brown wavy hair put up in a high ponytail while short strands dangled across her face while her fingers were hard at work trying to do origami, I watched her from a distance for a good 10 minutes when she finally made a triangle, yes a triangle and then threw away the paper. I couldn't help but smile, that was the first time she caught my eye and boy, I've never wanted to look at anyone else since then. She kept coming to watch football practice regularly even though it was clear that she was completely uninterested. It didn't take me much time to find out that it was because of Liam, her boyfriend. If I say it didn't hurt, I would be lying. I felt heartbroken, for the first time in forever but I convinced myself that it was nothing more than one of those stupid crushes that I would probably forget about, unless I didn't. I caught myself staring at her in class, during practice , in the cafeteria. She crossed my mind an unhealthy amount of times. However, I kept denying the fact that my feelings were anything more than short term infatuation until I got to know her. When we finally met, in the first year of college. That was when I realised, I was in love with Ophelia, I had been in love with her for years.

Ophelia's pov

The car ride from the dormitory to the cafe was quiet. We sat in silence as his green eyes glanced at me every now and then, none of us said a word but still, somehow even the silence was comforting. I had always been one of those people who felt awkward whenever it got too quiet but it was different with Darren, it was always okay, always comfortable whenever we were together. My head kept spinning with thoughts about what happened earlier in the morning. I was angry and upset, I definitely was but I was way more disappointed with Liam and with myself. How did we get here? I still wonder. Liam and I started dating during the freshman year of high school and to say I was happy would be an understatement, I was basically on cloud 9. You know that phase during your teenage when you are at the peak of being cringey? I guess I was going through the same at that point or maybe I had genuine feelings, it's hard to differentiate because I no longer was the same person, none of us were. The initial years of the relationship were amazing, basically everything you watch in stereotypical teen romcoms and my naïve high school self thought this was it and this is how it was going to be always, but it wasn't. We grew apart as time passed or maybe we just found our true selves, things changed. we fell apart and then fell back together because none of us were ready to give up, we had become habitual to each other. The relationship consumed me and I let it because I was never the type to give up on people, it started wearing me out and I kept convincing myself that it was normal and at least I wasn't alone , all while feeling completely lonely but then I met Darren, the guy with bright frosty green eyes and a warm smile, who offered to share a cup of coffee with me, a total stranger sitting on a bench at midnight by herself because he thought my puffy eyes were because I was tired and sleep deprived, my days have definitely been better since then. It wasn't the first time I saw him, we went to the same high school but we never talked to each other. I wasn't the most social person back then but he had quite a reputation, I often heard my friends talk about he was quite the heartbreaker because he rarely ever dated and watch them drool over him. I however was never interested back then but after getting to know him, I wished I had met him sooner.


"Do you want to eat in the park?" he asked as he rolled up his window after the waiter handed him our food.

"You hate eating in the park you always say it's stupid to sit outside in the cold when we can sit inside a warm room, according to you it is inviting sickness." I said.

"Change of heart, I want to sit outside today." He lied, I knew he didn't. I was the idiot that liked to eat in the open sitting on the grass no matter how cold it gets, he doesn't.

"Fine if you wan to, sounds nice to me." I pretended to have believed him just like I did earlier in the morning when he said he had skipped breakfast.


"I think it's going to snow soon." He spoke as she took another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah maybe.." I said. " You know...." I spoke as he shifted his attention from the trees to me " in Korean culture it is believed that if you are with the person you love when you watch the first snow, you guys would stay together for a long time."

"And do you believe in it?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Yeah, do you?"

" It is superstitious" He said and I rolled my eyes. "but I think it's beautiful, the idea of somebody putting their faith in something like that with no proof because they want to be with you." He said as his lips curved into a little smile. " I think it is beautiful how love makes you believe in something like that." I smiled back, it indeed was beautiful.

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