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First chapter

Starting on the 5th of October

The song for this chapter is
From this moment

You've made a good decision picking this book
I hope you love it

   People say the biggest day of one's life comes, and they hardly recognise it. They say its when you're in the middle of it, until its right in front of your face, that you feel it but how do we  know its the  biggest day of the rest of our life?
          Some people say its when you commit to something, other's say its your first love or heartbreak, the day you meet you soul mate, some say its when you discover that there isn't  enough time and you're running out of time maybe on you dying bed.

        But what if it's the simplest things that makes that day the biggest day of your life i know i haven't had the biggest day of my life yet because if i did I'll feel it right? Or maybe i have who knows its hard to know when .

          Sitting on the park bench, thinking of what the universe had in store for me, there's a million reason why i should give up on my dreams of going to medical school. But i just cant give up. not now when I'm this close to going back to school the fact that I'm forced to fake a smile everyday of my life for money a job i hate so much  to go to school makes it hard to live anymore my life was falling apart again
at least my boss was a kind soul

     It was  Sunday morning and I've been looking forward to this day a day that was suppose to be my rest day but i couldn't get my mind off my problems,school,family and life in general wasn't good at all i use to be some one who's life was taking care of  i didn't have to worry about food, shelter,clothing and love.
   Until i lost my father the fact that he was my everything was my down fall and even if he left enough  to put me through school didn't stop my brothers from taking everything  and leaving me empty handed so i decided to leave home and start my life over the moment i turn 19 working my ass up for three years now to go back to school never had a time for relationship or love i had bill to pay and i guess i was scared of get hurt again my dad was the love of my life and it broke me when he died. pain demands to be felt i know but i wasn't ready for any pain right now.

        I miss being a kid.i miss when life wasn't this hard when i believed drinking rain water would give my divine blessing from God. I would not have thought in a million years that this would be my life the comfort i knew was gone chasing my dreams was harder than i thought leaving home still remains the best thing i ever did i thought that was the biggest day of my life but i doubt that now coming to the park this early was suppose to be calming but why don't i feel calm at all maybe a movie would be better i better head back i thought

      And deciding to go back home was my final decision as i began walking out the park maybe it was because my mind was full i didn't notice that a man was standing close  to me as i  stumble by the side walks  and was about to fall on my face  my last thought was shit when i feel i hand grab me preventing me from landing on my face oh my God that was close

     Are you okay miss? I heard a voice call out
I'm fine thanks to your fast hands adjusting my jacket i looked in front of me and behold a raven haired man with the greyest of eyes I've clearly ever seen in my whole 21 years alive

I notice how tired they look

But that didn't change the fact that this being standing in front of me was probably a demi God Jesus I hope my mouth wasn't open right now cause that would be embarrassing his jaw had an almost v shape and i know for a fact that the color black was clearly made for this man, his  black coat was huge he was really tall hugely intimidating i wonder what his actually height was 6ft7 maybe and the fact that he reminds me of superman wasn't helping

      Thank you sir; I manage to say deciding not to embarrass my self any more than i already have

      I was really thankful imagine if i actually fell and had to go to the ER i know i couldn't afford that now

      Its nothing  Miss he said  wow

He called me miss this fine ass man called me a miss OK he deserves a checklist now 
Gentleman check
Hot check
Hero check
     This guy deserves to be Clark Kent/Super man i Don't care what any one   tells me.

   You know its pretty early to be in the park this early you aren't dressed as a jogger so what brings you here he asked.
Nice voice check 
     I'm beginning to feel like I've lost my speech cause all I'm doing is stirring at him like a fool oh God

     I've been told its a good way to calm one self, when the place is quiet one tend to hear their thought but its clearly not working for me  i answered, i managed to say

     well i think that maybe  you allow your mind to divert from the good thought
Thats why it doesn't work don't you think

    I'll have to disagree with you on that i said

    Reason if i may ask he asked me back

Well i release a breathe i didn't think i was holding " because your matter where you go you can never run away from the voices inside your head i guess in a way they are good i guess they remind us of where we are in our life and it doesn't  just go over night you know God  what are my saying" i don't even understand what i just said soo

   But i do he said
You're a man of few words Mr superman really lia omg  i cant believe i just said that out loud oh shit couldn't stop myself from blushing now

     With that i notice a smile form on his face heaven this guy has to be an angel he has to

I'm Austin by the way  Austin Paige
Call me Lia   lia Cooks
And that was the beginning of the biggest year of my life


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