The Portal To Where??

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Mal's POV

I can't tell you exactly how long we were in the portal. It could have been a year, or even less than a second. The only thing that woke me up from the weird feeling of being teleported was the gravity. Not metaphorically speaking. I actually fell as hard as possible on concrete, my head dizzy from either the concussion or the spell.

"Oww!" I rubbed my head, but it didn't help the pain since a huge amount of weight crushed my back next.

"Ahh! What's going o-- oh my gosh! M, I am so so sorry." Evie apologized, getting off me.

"I'm alright I think. Where is everyone?" I asked, standing up with her.

As if the universe responded, a huge portal appeared above our heads. Moments later, our friends fell out of the sky.

"Watch out!!" Ben yelled, but no matter what, he dragged me to the floor.

"Incoming!" Jay stumbled, unable to land on his feet.

"Oww! I hit my nose." Chad said as calmly as possible, after the fact that he was screaming for his life.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!--" Doug landed right beside us.

"What's going on?" Jane squinted, landing on her back. I guess Jafar's controlling-spell came off her through the portal.

"Wow, what just-- Jane! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Carlos fell beside Jane and gave her a huge hug.

"Of course I'm okay. Why?" She asked.

I cleared my throat and scolded Carlos, hinting him to drop the conversation. He opened his mouth to object, but more people came through the magical tunnel.

"Woooohoooo!" Gil shouted in a happy tone, but he still did not land upright.

"Wait for me!" Audrey said, landing in a cartwheel while successfully standing up.

"How did you . . . ?" Gil asked with amazement.

"I guess being a cheerleader since I was four gives me benefits." She shrugged. Gil smiled uncontrollably, but the rest of us stared in confusion.

"Has anyone seen Harry and Uma?" I stepped off the ground with Ben.

"A'right! A'right! I'm here." Harry fell on the ground once the portal released him. "Uh, why are ye staring at me?"

"Harry wait--" Ben tried to give him a heads-up, . . . literally.

"Look out!!!" Uma screamed and smashed Harry to the ground, breaking her fall. "Thanks Harry. Now get up." She dusted herself off before extending a hand to her first mate.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes, trying not express his pain.

"Uma? How do you feel?" I stepped closer to her, shock taking over me.

"Do you mean before or after I fell?" She laughed a little until she saw I was serious. "C'mon, what's the face for?"

"Look at yourself. The bruises and scars are gone."

Everyone stopped what they were doing to observe Uma's new appearance. Honestly, I don't know if the invisible injuries are a good sign or not. I mean, Jane's spell also came off, so maybe this is a good thing?

"Oh my gosh. Are you guys okay?" A blond girl ran to us, rather frightened than concerned.

"Um yeah, but can you tell us where we are?" I asked, walking in front of our group.

"What do you mean? This is Seabrook, obviously." The girl giggled in a childish sort of way, like if my question was suppose to be common knowledge. "And the building behind me is Seabrook High. You're familiar with the area, right?"

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