My secret room mate

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"Yah did you know that theres a guy that really needed a room but the boys dorm doesn't have extra room for him" Hyuna unnie said. "Imagine if he will be transferred here" as they gasped thinking if that actually happened. "Yah yah we don't even know this guy and he still needs to pay for the rent tho" I stated the fact.

"Your such a kj y/n, fine lets go back home before the gates close" Jessi unnie walked faster. We live in a village where there are houses with so many rooms and guess what? I am the youngest leader of all the leaders that handled the house and we have 1 specific rule... NO BOYS ALOUD!!! It is strictly prohibited by the fact that our neighbor infront is actually the boys dorm/ house which is vice versa NO GIRLS ALOUD, well although I am friends with the guys there but still!!! Its a big deal to us.

As we arrived at the house we saw a guy just sitting at the lawn of the boys house or as they are called TREASURE. All of us decided to go in but I realized that it is about to rain and I felt bad for the guy although I dont know him. So I decided to ask the girls permission. "Guys... so right now I feel bad for that guy asf so can I bring him in just for the night, he has alot of luggages that looks heavy" as I pointed at him from our window view. "Well just make sure to pay for the penalty"ah shit! I have to pay $100 and let him stay in my room!!! Dang it!!!But i feel bad still...

"Fine! Also please cook dinner" I said. "On it" Hyolin unnie said as she walked to the kitchen. I went outside and brought an umbrella for in case. "Oh choggi are you a new tenant there?" I asked as he frowned. "Sadly no because they said they don't have any more space in the house although they are going to call me when there is a new room already" as he just looked down. I heard a very loud thunder so I panicked. "Please let me take you in our house just for tonight because you seemed to be so tired and you have alot of bags!!" I said as he nodded and stood up. As we were walking i spoke, "so this is our house we are all girls because just like the TREASURES house we have one specific rule which is no boys aloud unless you pay for the penalty" As I heard him chuckle. "So your telling me that you will have to do the penalty just for me?" He asked. "Kromyo!! You seem to be a nice person who needs a shelter atleast for a day-" I stopped as I felt droplets on my skin. "Lets go in quick before the rain pours down!" I walked faster until we were already at the front door. "Put your hood on" he obeyed as I opened the door. "Ohhh! The boy is here!!" One of my unnies shouted as i pulled him upstairs to the room. "Omg I am so sorry if they are so loud! Also you can put your shoes here at the shoe rack bellow mine and you could put your bags here" i pointed at a small space beside the bunk bed. "Um is there a near convenience store here or grocery?" He asked. "Since its raining you don't need to worry because our pantry has alot of food and I bet what ever you want to eat its all in our pantry" as I saw his face lit up but his tummy growled. "Or you could eat with us because my unnie cooked kimchi stew" The moment i said kimchi stew he all of a sudden stood up. "Can I eat with you guys? My favourite food is kimchi stew" he said shyly smiling. "Ahh ofcourse!! Your going to love the food" we went down and ate.

"Choggi young boy you seemed to be younger than our sister? Whats your name?" one of the girls asked. "I am 21 and my name is Kim Junkyu" as they all looked at each other. "Hold on kim Junkyu as in the Kim Junkyu???" They asked. "Uh yes...wae?" As they all jump up and down as if their about to celebrate. "Ok so your the new member and the visual of treasure wowwwww!!" They got crazy jumping so excited. "Yah yah YAHH!!! I was still sleeping!! Aigoo jinja shib-" as one of the sisters covered her mouth. "Heyyy no swearing in the morning, also did you know that he is the Kim Junkyu the new member of treasure and he is 21 years old!! He's just a year older than you!" Her sister said. "Yea I know why would he be infront of treasures house, so let me introduce you to my sisters this is Jessi unnie she is an old person already so as Hyolyn unnie, Hyuna unnie, hyori unnie and sunmi unnie and I am y/n the youngest" as they all bowed and waved at me. "Choggi can I ask something?" They nodded. "Can I be a tenant here , I actually don't have a problem staying with girls" I said. "Ok so we will leave you two here" the girls left leaving me and the girl who approached me last night.

"So I don't want to cause any trouble but I want to stay just until they have space already" she nodded. "Oh ok just be quiet we cannot let anyone know that theres a guy here" wow that was fast.

           Y/N POV
"Yah Junkyu oppa wanna go out with me?" I asked him as I notice him stare at me. "Y/n... Im going to move back at the TREASURE" I didnt know what to do I felt like my heart tore apart. "Ahh oh geunyang arraso oppa...but you haven't answered mg question, do you wanna go out with me?" I slowly said as he nodded. "Im not sure what kind of go out is this, date? Or just hang out? Because to be honest I wanna do both as long as I am with you and only you" I felt fire works in my stomach. I held his hand, "kaja oppa" we went out and eat, bond and do things that we have never done before.

"Ahh hey the fuq??" The drunk jessi spoke. "Yah y/n I hacked your phone and posted the stolen pictures of Junkyu that you took and I tagged TREASURE, you and Junkyuuu" oh...em...gee!!! I went in my room and opened my ig and saw her post and damn almost millions saw it!! The comments are mix of mean and good comments- someone opened the door. "Jagiya... I know I debuted but don't get mad at the mean comments ok? Just focus on me, Im just a normal person who just simply debuted and that is nothing compared to how precious you are to me" he said as I felt the relief from hearing him say yhose

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