The strange room p.1

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Warning: there is never a right answer...

You wake up, and a pounding headache strikes your brain, you sit down straight in bed and realize that you are not in your room. What do you do?

A) Go back to sleep, Im feeling headache can't do much...

B) I stand up and inspect the room a little bit, that will give me clues

C) I leave the room, lookong for a way out, this is so weird...

If you chose A: 

After of a couple of hours (you suppose) ypu hear heavy steps approaching your door, they stop right behind the door ¿What do you do?

1)  I hide under the bed, and make no noise 

2) I pretend that i'm sleeping

3) I wait for they to enter and ask were am I

If you chose B :

You carefully walk towards the only furniture in the room, an old night table, there is 2 keys and 2 drawers, Hurry up!  someone is  near you!, You only have time to open 1 drawer.

4) First drawer

5) second drawer

 If you chose C:

You open the door, making the less noise possible, you start to feel the wall in the dark and your fingers meet a switch, Do you turn it on?

6) Yep, i don't see anything

7) No, they are probably people in the house 

If you chose 1:

You rapidly hide under the bed, practically holding your breath, you can hear the steps in your room, you try to stay as quiet as possible, after a couple on minutes you decide to come out, as soon as you do, a loud bang pierces your ears, the las thing you get to see is a dark shadow raising a hevy stick on your neck.

Y O U   L O O S E 

If you chose 2:

Someone burts inside the room, and your breath get more and more agitated but you keep your eyes closed, you feel hands caressing your face,... tracing  your lips, your neck..., Are you awake?, they ask. What do you say


B2)  I wont answer 

If you chose 3 :

They enter in the room with they face covered in bandages, Who the hell are you? you demand, with your arms crossed hoping to look more intimidating. Before you coukd think of anything you feel toe heavy arm on your neck sqeezing every drop of air from your lungs...

Y O U   L O  O S E 

If you choose 4:

You try to open the first drawer, you pull and pull but there is no way to open it," No... this can't be "you say to yourself, you pull even harder this time and pull the handle, you hear the door open, you stay still... "What is the point of trying anymore" You say to yourself feeling how two cold hand wrap against your neck making everything black.

Y O U  L O O S E 

If you chose 5:

You pull the handle of the drawer, and it slides softly, in the interior there is not more than papers and sharpened pencils, but in that same moment you hear steps coming closer to the door.

What is your next movement?

A5) Threathen the person with the pencil

B5) Go back to bed and pretend im sleeping

If you chose 6 :

You gently touch the wall blindly until your hand meet the switch and you click it, you briefly smile as the hall lights up but that is until your eyes meet a dark figure waiting for you at the end of the hallway.

If you chose 7:

You tiptoe trying to make no sound, you continue walking until you bump your head against a hard surface, its a door, you push it open and... You are free

Y O U   W O N...

If you choose A2:

Who are you? You dare asking, after receiving no answer you repit louder  'Who are you?!'

After some second of confusion you hear the door breaking open and you see a hooded figure pointing a gun at you.

Y O U  L O O S E 

 If you choose B2:

You hold your breath in an attempt to make no noise, after some minutes you hear steps fading in the distance. You decide to use that moment to try to escape and save your life. 

Go to C)

 If you choose A5:

When the doors open you run as fast as possible with the pencil in front of you, hurting the person with it, you run to the corridor without looking back.

Go to 7)

If you choose B5)

Go to A)

Next chapter....  Results of , A5, B5

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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