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⚠️TW⚠️I was only little when my my older sister Lilth Luna bishop hanged her self. She was like a real mother to me. She kept me safe from the dangers of our own bloodline. I watched my parents look strict and my brother nearly holding himself together as they lowered her coffin in the ground. I wanted to cry but I knew what would have happened. Most children have loving parents that take care of them. Our parents.weren't the same. My mother had a mental issue. And would constantly get  in someone else's bed be drunk high or on over douse to deal with it. The mental health that is. She took the stress out on us and my father. Then find  herself apologizing later. My father wasn't any better. He'd beat my brother recentless if he cried or showed emotion because it wasn't "man-ly"  I wasn't aloud to go to school he  thought my place as a young lady was at home cooking cleaning and taking care of my mother. I hated both the sick bastards. As I got older I started learning how to cope with everything. I qiuckly got addicted to cigarettes and cigars. They put my mind at ease. The idea of death. Was a constant welcoming thought. It constantly rushed through my mind. I started to sell myself to keep food on the table. To keep my father calm. That was until he found out. He called me every name in the book. My brother and mother sat there. That's when the hitting began . My brother was done. He stood up slamming his hands down on the table yelling at my father.


  I watched my brothers stone cold body hit the floor .

My mothers screamed and went down to his side. My father made it clear that if we did anything of a word to anyone we'd end up like my brother. My father buried his body disrespectfully by my sisters.

Lucas knew what he was doing yelling at the old bastard.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Midnight Of august 3rd a warm night i grabbed my fathers  gun I went out on my balcony. I say on the edge looking at the stars. Before i could end it there was one thing I had to do. I wrote down a confession. The son of a bitches wasn't getting a way with this shit anymore. I put the revolver in my mouth.

I placed my finger on the trigger

I pulled back.


Next thing I knew I saw my parents taking to the police.

Sometimes if you want those dead you have to do it yourself.

My soul endlessly walked through the woods.

Until I met a tall presence.

He knew my story. And offered a deal. One of revenge. But one with a payment. That I was willing to pay. He gave me inhumanly life. For me to be his slave for all eternity. I agreed. I stole a rusty synth from are old barn. I slammed the door open and saw father sleeping on the couch. I ripped his body open felling nothing in return but pleasure. I got to my mother. She made life a nightmare. Yet I felt bad for her. I watched her for what felt like days. Before just shoving pills down her throat. So She died in her sleep. I left. Still feeling a undeniable hunger for the same kind of pleasure.


And I...

Was gonna do all it would take to feel it agian.

(Hi I'm the creator of lunar! If you have any questions please ask I'll try and answer the best I can! If you make ship art at me I'd love to see it! You can find me at:
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YT:Offical lunar spooky
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