Chapter 16- Breach

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When Chaewon hears the explosion behind her, she doesn't even think about the campus being infiltrated. Her immediate thought was finding Minjoo. Oh why did that girl have to try to prank me today of all days, she thinks to herself as she continues to run back to the path and out of the forest. Was it her or did the forest get a whole lot bigger since she stepped into it five minutes ago?

"Minjoo!" Chaewon calls out. "Minjoo! Where are you?!" She knows she shouldn't but she splits herself up even more to spread out. Chaewon couldn't afford to get Minjoo hurt again.

Eventually, she spots the path and makes a run for it, but is met with an invisible force. Chaewon's survival instincts kick in again, expecting it to be another soldier in camouflage, and she pins the figure down as quick as she can. Unfortunately, this action was met with a high pitched yelp. Chaewon looks up to the sky with an expression that says, "Really?".

"Minjoo...?" She asks cautiously.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I promise not to sneak up on you again!" Minjoo cries out as she rematerializes in from of her. Chaewon just sighs, and hugs her tight, hushing her.

"No, no. I overreacted again. It's my fault." She says apologetically.

"O-okay, unnie..." Minjoo tries her best to resist the urge to melt into her arms. This act of affection really caught her off guard, more than she could ever trying to sneak up on Chaewon invisibly, and it almost distracted her from the commotion she'd heard where Chaewon had run from.

"Uhm, Chaewon-ah, you can get off of me now. What was that explosion?" She asks, trying to regain her composure. Chaewon is frozen, realizing this is now the second compromising situation she's found herself in with Minjoo. The embarrassment is just catching up to her. The only thing that kept her on track was suddenly remembering the encounter she just had and the grenade she may or may not have thrown.

"Oh, bad again, Min." She gets up and helps Minjoo up after. She finally relaxes and closes her eyes, looking through the eyes of all her clones one by one. When she confirms the coast is clear, she tells Minjoo what had just happened deep in the forest.

"Wait, so they're here? We got to find the others!" Minjoo says urgently.

"I think I saw Yuri and Yena along the path we were just walking. They'll be the closest, but we gotta get to them quick before-" Chaewon is cut off by another explosion going off, this time from the campus area. It looked like there was white smoke coming from the cafeteria and seeping into the air.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Chaewon really dislikes her rotten luck right now.

"Next thing you know, the security building with the scientist and Seoyoung is breached." As if on cue, another explosion goes off coming from said building.

"Son of a-" Chaewon curses repeatedly at the current situation with Minjoo just standing there wondering how to respond.

"Chaewon-unnie? You said we have to find Yuri and Yena-unnie, right? I think we should get a move on before anything else goes wrong." She finally speaks out.

"Yeah, yeah. Sounds like a plan. Also, can you remind me to keep my mouth shut just in case I say something else horrible that might happen." Minjoo gives her a small smile, boldly takes her hand, not even giving Chaewon time to react, and runs with her to find their friends.


"Yeah, this can't be good." Yuri says.

"Alright, captain obvious, what were you saying? About the scientist?" After the initial rumbling, several explosions had followed. Yuri had a bad feeling about what was happening.

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