🐾Chapter One 🐾

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     Destiny tied her blonde hair in a braid as she jumped off the bus to her ranch; Cybertron.

    The whines and snorts of the horses brought a smile to Destiny's face. Destiny lives alone on a small Ranch -40 acres- outside Jasper.

She has about 40 or so horses split into two breeds -Autobots and Decepticons- A couple of rabbits and a cow.

 Destiny has anxiety and panic attacks so she's considered a freak in school. Her trust runs thin too - never letting herself get attached to anything or anyone for the sake of her ready sensitive heart; so no friends.

  Destiny walked down a small path to her favorite herd; the Autobots.

The heads of the older stallions looked up upon her arrival as Destiny jumped the fence in a cat-like manner.

  "Hey, boys being good?" she teased playfully as she sat on the grass beside them and looked into the sapphire eyes of the blue and red stallion.

 The white and orange one sniffed her hair with a fond look in his green eyes. "hey, Ratchet,  be good." she laughed falling to her side.

 Destiny laid on her side for a bit just watching the foals play on the other side of the field. "You two keep an eye on them they're spiteful ones," she said with a small laugh her teal eyes scanning the fields of all the other mares and stallions.

Destiny frowned sitting up and watched as the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

Ratchet watched her intently giving Optimus the red and blue stallion a look with a silent conversation.

  "You two are quite the leaders." she laughed as they looked at her watching her teal eyes grow dark before she just looked the other way. "I have to go, I have school in the morning." she sighed getting up and disappearing down the hill.


SolarFlame - a white and brown mare - trotted over to her mate with a firm look on her muzzle.

 "You're going to wear a track in the field with all that pacing." she scoffed.

  Optimus smiled faintly gazing at his mate, "I know that but I'm worried about Destiny. She shoves her own away and is always alone."

 Solarflame smiled sadly, "she's young, Optimus, but she has the pain of many, she lost her mother not too long ago give her time." 

 Optimus processed his mate's words with a firm expression, as Ratchet walked up the hill to them.

 "She's asleep," he said plainly.

   "We don't have much time Optimus, not with Megatron as close to her as he is, she could get hurt more than she is now." Said Solarflame her aqua eyes hard, "so tell her, or I will." with that, she was gone.

A/N: so I wrote this a long time ago in a notebook and decided to share it with you guys. hope you like it.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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