Them as boyfriends

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Chan: Fluffy boyfriend. All the time. Like, little Australian boy just has so much love to give. I mean, if he takes care of his members that well, imagine how well he'd treat his girlfriend, omg.

He'd totally cook for you too.

Would cry after fights because he feels that things could've been avoided and would get frustrated because he just can't find how things went down that way. (too caring, man. Precious little leader, Chan)

SK Ep 8: "Even when you were struggling, I should've been there. I'm sorry."

(I'm still crying over that tbh.)

Always by your side because he's cute like that. Always tries to make you laugh. If you're sad, he'll probably bust out some Aussie slang and make little faces because he knows you find it cute.

Him and Felix talking with their accents on ASC literally killed me, but okay.

Changbin: Baby. Bean.

Must protect him. At all costs because he likes to think he's tough and that he can handle his own but this boy can't. Nope. Needs support. (And his cute little stuffie.)

Clingy boyfriend at times, because he gets really happy, but around the boys he likes to act like Mr. "I like dark" because he doesn't want to give up the persona.

Romantic af if y'all are by yourselves. Like, he'd be super sweet. He'll win at crane games, but split the stuffies with you.

Would let you choose the ones you want first though.

Gets upset when you tell him dark isn't his style and pouts.

Would break out the aegyo if you even sighed.

Fights would be over dumb things, maybe food or liking a specific members rap better than his, but would do the cringiest aegyo like, mid-fight just to get you distracted, and not be mad anymore, so be prepared to lose every fight.

Cringes when you bring up the time he had to kiss Felix's cheek.

Insists that he hated it, but he's a sweet hyung, so he totally didn't fully hate it.

Felix: this is my boy lemme tell you like fuck do you see his cute ass smile. Why are boys my age only cute in every country but my own lord help me with these damn Australians.

Okay, first off, my boy is sensitive, but doesn't show it until something big happens, so he'd try to keep everything smooth between you two, so fighting really isn't a thing.

The members get mad because the boy hasn't practiced Korean since he met you and he really needs to, but when you're around he's either helping you with basic Korean or just staying in English.

Cuddly, and always has his head on your shoulder or in the curve of your neck when he's tired or taking a break during practice. fuck he's so precious.

Does the little "boop" thing when you're sad. couldn't find the gif but that thing when he was popping his face in front of the camera looking all cute and shit while they were practicing, the little fucker.

Romantic af or chill depending on the day. Like, he'll take you on a cute walk date, or just look over and say a casual "I love you" while laying about in the dorms.

Always hungry so please feed him.

Then feed him after you feed him because he'll still be hungry.

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