Chapter 1 - Annabeth

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"Sister Annabeth," a woman says. I turn around to face her. "When you have finished returning those books to their place on the shelves, meet me in the Great Hall. We have much to discuss."

"Yes, Sister Genevieve," I reply, shifting the books in my arms. When she walks away, I place the Folios of Thamarin, the original manuscripts by a long-dead philosopher, back in their place on the shelf.

I take a deep breath, the scent of old paper filling my lungs. I came here, to the Library of Holivel, a long time ago. The Sisterhood saw my love of knowledge and history, and recruited me to help them collect and protect the Library.

In the Great Hall, I'm the last to arrive. The other Sisters are sitting around a long table. I take my spot, settling between Sister Marianne and Sister Christina.

At the head of the table, Sister Veronica stands, her golden robes glistening in the light. She's the High Sister, the leader. Then we have Sister Stepamine, in her silver robes. Then there's the rest of us, dressed in bronze. A girl when I first got here tried to steal a pair of silver robes. It was the first execution I ever saw.

"We have received word that an outlaw, a one Percy Jackson, is going to try and steal the Scroll of Amphitrite. That must not happen." Quickly, Sister Veronica assigns our posts. I'm assigned defense, to guard he perimeter in case he gets away.

Quickly, I change into my black combat robes. A tight black material that allows free movement, like punching someone in the face.


I watch from the parapets as a figure, presumably Jackson, dressed in gray approaches. Two Sisters drop from the trees and follow him.

While I wait for either Jackson the make his getaway or for more orders, it gets dark.

Then I see him.

Using one of many secret passageways I've found, I reach the ground floor. Sticking to the shadows, I race alongside him until I'm in front.

That's when I attack.

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