Chapter 9

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The storm was still raging outside. Lady Campbell excused herself to retire. James and Magnus sat and chatted in the Library long into the night. Magnus told of his travels, how he'd saved Isabelle from becoming sport of two unsavoury men, of how she had been whipped and her whip injuries had become seriously infected wounds and how the good doctor and his wife had attended her. He relayed the events and conversations of the day and how he'd only come to know her family name on the last leg of their journey.

Lord Campbell explained to Magnus that Amelia, Isabelle's mother, and Mariah had been friends as children. When Mariah and James had married they hadn't been able to visit for a time having three young children close in age. When he and Mariah had been able to visit at "Riversdale" they discovered that Amelia had shunned the attentions of a man from a very wealthy family, married a poor farmer and had been disinherited by her own family. Mariah was forbidden by Amelia's family to see or search for her friend and no-one would divulge Amelia's whereabouts.

The morning was bright in contrast to last evenings storm. Many trees had been damaged and men were busy trying to clear the grounds around the main house. James had arisen and sent Tobias to wake Magnus with the request that all the available men folk should be engaged in helping with the grounds this morning. As they worked James was mulling over the information that had been spoken in his late night conversations with his son. He suddenly came to a halt in his work. "Magnus said Isabelle claimed she had been kidnapped at age 12." He said to himself. Details started to come together. He resumed his working as he continued to think. This Isabelle would be that kidnapped child he'd heard tell of from the village gossip years ago. Isabelle could possibly be the catalyst in bringing together two forcefully estranged friends. Only one problem remained, he had no idea where Isabelle's family might be. He made himself the promise that he would help Isabelle find her family.

The women were now awake and had come outside to enjoy the beautiful day. Mariah called for refreshments to be brought for the men. The kitchen staff were happy to serve. They could see the hard work of the men. Piles of wood had been cut from the debris that had scattered around the yard and was to be stacked to season for use in the house. This meant they wouldn't have to cut wood for a while.

Drinks and fresh baked cakes were set out on some tables that had been placed near to where the women were now seated. The men were called to enjoy the sweet delicious bites and cool drinks.

James stepped over and greeted the women and turning to Isabelle said, "Isabelle I'm going to help you find your family. I shall start making enquiries once the storm damage has been cleared. Magnus divulged a number of important details about you last night during our discussions and you have become as a valued treasure in many ways."

James could hear footsteps behind him and turned to see Magnus and Tobias step up beside him.

"Father, I think if that is your intention you should include Tobias in your plans, after all, it is his family too." interjected Magnus.

"Of course," said Lord Campbell smiling, "Oh, and I think we should invite Tobias into our family chats as well!"

It took most of the day to clear the grounds and as the last log was stacked the men admired the truly wonderful job they had accomplished. The staff and servants returned to their usual duties for what remained of the daylight.

Magnus, Jacob and Tobias had travelled through several towns and villages and had been asking around at each one as to the where about of Simon Jacobson and his family. They had not yet arrived at the towns and villages of the Riverside Estate and nobody seemed to have heard anything about them for years. They pressed on over days, the days turned into weeks as they wandered up hill and down dale stopping at every village and town they could find but no-one could shed any light on the family they searched for. Magnus was starting to lose hope in finding Isabelle's family and his heart was breaking for her. They turned and headed back home.

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