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Hey guys! So I've had this idea for a while now and I'm gonna start it. It's a one direction fanfic (like my others:)) it's kinda hard because I'm writing from a one direction haters pov but it's gonna be good I hope?

"Come on Georgia!" Kayla yelled from the parking lot leading into the club

"I'm coming!" I yelled running towards her which was a struggle considering I was in heels.

The music was blasting so loud I could hear it from outside the building. Loud and crazy. Just how I like it.

"Well let's go slow poke" Kayla yelled and we walked in. Nodding at the person at the door. We're here all the time. They know us by name

I opened the door to see it wasn't just usuals today. One direction was standing in the door way.

"Why is this place the hangout for multi millionaires" Kayla said and I laughed. We hate and I mean hate boy bands.

"Let's show em what they just walked into" I said smiling at her and we strutted into the club.

"Woo!" I screamed opening the door. Literally standing right in front of the door was one direction. In a little huddle.

"Excuse me" I said putting as much hatred as I could in my voice

"Sorry" one of them said. I think it may have been a brunette. I turned around. Wow! Almost all of them are brunette. Only 2 aren't. A blonde and another guy has darker brown hair. How exactly do people tell the difference? Whatever. I walked to the bar to get my usual drink that knocks me out on my first one. A shot of whiskey mixed with vodka and a bit of beer for flavour. (Sorry I have no idea if that would be gross or not I don't drink)

"Hey. One direction's here" the bar tender Ben told me

"Yea. Don't remind me. They wouldn't move from the doorway. Usual" I said and he got to work on it

"You know there probably not jerks" he said

"And you nor I will ever know that so it's safe to assume there huge dicks" I said laughing as he gave me my drink.

"On the house. Like always" I nodded and walked away back to Kayla

"Look they drew a crowd" she said pointing at a huge crowd drawing around one direction

"There probably dealing drugs. Now cmon can we have a good time without talking about the oh so fabulous one direction"

"Duh. We didn't come here to talk about them. We came here to get drunk and dance till our feet fall off"

"That's the spirit"

We walked to the dance floor and started dancing. I looked over and Kayla was gone grinding on some random guy next to us. I laughed and walked back to the bar

"Another Ben" I said and I felt someone's hand on my back. Keep in mind by now I was completely wasted

I turned around to see a man with brown hair staring at me. His short brown hair was swept to the side and he had an adorable little smile.

"Hello" a British accent. He's part of flipping one direction

"Hi" I said turning away and walking towards the dance floor before his arm caught me

"What do you want?"

"Do you wanna come hang out with me and the boys" he asked and for some reason I said yes

He grabbed my arm and guided me to a quieter area that I've never been to.

"Hi boys" I said not really knowing who was who.

"What's your name" the blonde one said

"What's yours" I laughed


"Georgia Rose"

"Nice name. So where are your parents. You look young" a brunette said

Wow! "First of all I'm not young. I'm 19 and I don't need my parents babysitting me for my every move. And I sure don't need some famous ass little millionaire telling me that my parents should be with me" I said walking out "and by the way. You asked. My dads a dentist" I walked back with the intention of finding Kayla and going home but I couldn't. My song came on. Uptown funk. I walked onto the dance floor

"IM TOO HOT!" I yelled dancing around with a group of people.

"HOT DAMN" they yelled

"Georgia." Someone poked my back and I turned around. I didn't even know the guys name yet.

"What's your name"

"You don't know my name" he asked

"Well I'm sorry I'm not a one direction super fan"

"I'm Liam" he said

"Well liam. What do you want"

"My friend Louis. He feels really bad about what he said and-"

"Listen liam I don't need an apology because it doesn't matter"

"C'mon let's dance"

"Not with you"

"Come on don't be a bitch cuz you don't like our singing"

"You have a dirty mouth" I said giggling and following him to the dance floor. We started dancing and then he grabbed my waist. Pulling me into his lips. We opened our mouths tongues colliding and exploring the space in each others mouths. Until he pulled away

"Can I take you home with me"

My mouth dropped
"Never in your wildest dreams" I said and turned away walking towards the door. I saw Kayla standing there.

"Let's go. I'm tired of Las Angles assholes. Let's go home" I said walking out with Kayla

"What's up?"

"Liam Payne"

"What about him"

"He wanted to take me home."

"What did you say Georgia"

"Never in your wildest dreams"


So there's the Prolouge. I really hope you guys like it!

Georgia RoseWhere stories live. Discover now