Chapter 1

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CARA ^^^

Chapter 1 ~ Death and Chocolate

The air is stale around me, it's almost dry and I swear I'm suffocating. I try to breathe, the only way I know how to. Breathing in and out.
Today feels like death. You never know what death feels like until you've experienced it, until you've cried for it, held it in your arms because it was going to disappear.
I know death, death feels cold, unwelcoming like you've walked into the wrong room at the wrong time. But then, some how it feels good. You learn to welcome it, to accept it and then you learn to betray it.
Let me not confuse you, I am not dead I'm quite alive even though sometimes I wish I wasn't. My name is Cara Barren and I am an abomination. That's literally what I'm named. People who know of my kind don't call us by our names, to them we shouldn't have one.
We weren't born into this world but created by the devil to carry out his evil deeds. I don't think I'm evil, but my body is. It's these tattoos, not the kind you get at the shop, no I was born with these. They are after all my only friends.
My tattoos are different. They don't stay on my body. The tattoos on my body come alive, they peel off my skin and become real, following my every order and command because they are my servants and I, their master.
I don't know who made me like this, matter a fact what and why. I just know that I am in fact what I am, an abomination.
Many years ago, a century or two, there were many of us. We looked like every day people walking past you with hungry tattoos grinning at your flesh. Then there were he 'Holy' people, the Puritans people call them, but my kind knows them to be the Void. They claimed they were sent by god, to eliminate all abominations and keep the world Holy.
The silver snake on my left shoulder is Tobias. He symbolizes mischief, causes trouble anytime he gets the chance. Then there is Rookie, the white wolf right under my chest. He symbolizes war but is very different from the rest of my tattoos, I haven't really figured him out yet.
I have four small crows on my neck named Venom, they symbolize jealousy. They crave what others have and sometimes whisper evil thoughts in my ear.

Then there is a golden snake like dragon that starts from the back of my neck all the way down to my hip. I don't know what that is. He's never spoken to me, never came out of my skin and showed it's true form. I don't know what it symbolizes. This isn't a good sign, because for what I know, you're suppose to be born with the knowledge of your tattoos. Everything they are, you are. Everything they think, you think and everything they do, you are responsible for.
I woke up with a scream this morning. Tobias was not on my shoulder. It felt like one of my organs were missing. It was like the hulk picked me up and slammed me up against the wall. My body started shaking, it was like a seisure but more severe.
My mother bursted into my room, screaming and crying her heart out as she watched my body flop for life like a fish. She knew she couldn't help me, this was not the first time it has happened.
"Chocolate!" I managed to throw the words out through the burning pain. She immediately reached for my dresser, throwing things out in search of my stash of chocolate. By the time she got it to me I didn't need it anymore. Tobias was done feeding.
"My God! Are you okay!" I nodded my head slowly, looking away from my mom in guilt. I hated that she had to see that, that she had to watch that everytime my tattoos had to feed. My tattoos survive on human flesh. I survive on human flesh. Everytime my tattoos fed it was like dying and coming back to life. The pain was almost unbearable.
" g-get ready for school. have school today." I couldn't look at her as she left my room, dazed and still in shock. I was too, but over the years I had learned to control it. My first attack was when I was five, on my birthday. Venom had to feed and I almost died. My mom barely survived it.
I jumped out of bed and into my shower. There was still an empty feeling on my body. Tobias wasn't back yet. I tried to get my mind off the empty feeling and washed out my hair. Getting ready took longer than usual. I stopped half way to stare at myself in the mirror. I don't usually look at myself, but today I found courage to. It's not that I don't find myself attractive, I just never really cared.
I was nervous. My first day at another school. I wonder what rumors the students have heard about me already. Maybe they've heard about my incident with Natalie Cruise. They've probably turned the whole story upside down and made up something more rediculous. Something more crazy, unbelieveable, interesting. Maybe they know about Carley, or Micheal, or Daisy, or Mikenna, or Ruby. Or of any of my other victims that have lost their lives mysteriously while I was in the room.
Before I could throw on a shirt I felt something slither up my leg. My body finally felt at peace as Tobias crawled his way back on my shoulder. Tobais was a huge black snake with a green diamond on his head.
"Well hello to you too"
His voice was dry and raspy and as evil and coniving as you could imagine a snake to sound. I ignored him and continued dressing. I wasn't very enthusiastic about how I had woken up this morning.
I slipped on a purple tank top with a black jacket and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put my long brown hair in a sleek ponytail and slipped on a pair of combat boots.. I wore a medalian I had made to ward off Voids. It was a gold chain with a square on the ending and a huge 'X' in the middle, connecting at the edges. I put on some eye liner and stared at myself for a very long time. I pulled on my nose ring, trying to decide whether to keep it on or off but then my mom called me down. I grabbed my car keys and left the room.
"Good morning." I whispered to my dad. He looked up and smiled, this huge wide 'I'm so rediculously happy to see you' smile. I couldn't help but smile back, it was contagious.
"Why good morning to you too muffin." He put down his news paper and sat up, pulling the chair under him. I didn't sit down, I had to leave in three minutes.
"First day of school, huh?" I brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal, but I didn't want to go. I wanted to crawl in my bed and eat cookies and watch How I Met Your Mother all day.
I said good morning to my mom but she didn't do more than glance at me. She didn't want to show it but she was nervous too. I never stay out of trouble, even if I'm not the one that causes it.
My father is a very busy man and we tend to move a lot so I'm always the new student. I ask my mom to just home school me, but she's a professor at some big time college and never has the time. I grabed a bagel and kissed my dad on the cheek before leaving. That was probably the most comfortable morning I ever had with my parents. Sometimes I come down and they're whispering about me. It was annoying, but what could I say to stop it?
I got in my big black truck and looked at myself once more in the mirror. I'm not obsessed with my appearance, but something about mirrors intrgues me.
"You can stare at yourself all day, but your going to be late." Venom whispers this to me and I can hear the jealousy in her voice. She thinks I'm starring at Tobias. And then the sick realization sinks in and I realize I'm never going to be normal.

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