The treasure of God

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Being a child of God, although it's extremely hard at times it's worth every struggle. Finding God is like finding treasure, it was a long and hard journey searching. But when you found it, the sparkle of the gems and the value of it made it worth your while. God's true followers will tell you that, and they will also tell you that just because you have that sparkle DOES NOT mean you are instantly perfect, sinless, or better than anyone else. It simply means you've been made new. And having God also DOES NOT mean that you're never going to mess up again, because you will. It simply means that you will always be forgiven for your mess up's if you ask God to forgive you. God knows that we aren't perfect and he accepts us for us anyways. And he offers us endless amount of forgiveness and love. He also offers us a shelter from the things that make us sad, or challenge our faith. I'm sure some of you are wondering "Why in the world would God allow us to go through so much hard stuff, if he loves us so much?" There are plenty of reasons why. It may be so that you as an individual will be stronger, or meet someone new, or learn to rely on Him and trust Him. There are an endless number of reasons as to why God allows us to go through certain things, but he would never allow us to go through something that he is certain we can't overcome or handle in any way shape or form. "If God leads you to it, he will bring you through it." A statement I have found to be completely true, God has never lead me to a place that he hasn't been through with me. And now I bet some of you are wondering "Why do I FEEL so alone?" The key word is "feel" it doesn't matter how you feel. Some mornings I wake up and I don't FEEL like a Christian, you don't have to feel it to know it. As Christians feeling should be the last thing we rely on when speaking about God. We should rely on Fact first. Fact being God sent his son to die for the sins of humanity, and he loves us unconditionally, and he will never leave our sides. Not once has he left One of His children alone. You just have to have faith in him. Which brings me to the fact that we should rely on our faith second. Faith is a lesson that children of God learn over and over again, being a Christian is so hard because our amount of faith and devotion varies at times, but we have to set our facts straight and realize that God is holding out his hand to us. We just have to have A little bit of Faith in Him to do what you need. Lastly we rely on feeling, truth be told there are times when I have literally felt the presence of God in my life. I have also literally felt so alone at times, but the Fact is that God is present, he always has been, and always will be. I have faith in that. Having faith in that makes me FEEL his presence more often. And his presence is truly a treasure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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