[The Writers]

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The Writers and Their Books :

1. alphabetmp   | ιστορία : Whitesmoke Myth

2. (me) atmospherxe  | Champagne of Gold

3. boijifools  | A Wrinkle in  Effulgencé Ivory

4.  chanewww  | Enlightenment In Black

5.  clynasp  | 夕暮れ: Marmalade Symphony

6. EscrituraMoon

7. fluffypurry   | Palette

8. gaeunlee1523 | Dark Peach

9. matchacianam   | Daze of Rainbow

10. matchalate_ |

11. MYCHANNEL445   | The Road of The Amethyst Light

12. nyctonouzh | Memoria ; Periwinkle

13. perfectjcm  | The Ethereal Fog

14.  @seyonara__   | Azure Blue Destiny

15. skwuenkerr   | Orange Caramel

16. sxhnseagull  | Mystical Shade in Kaleidoscope

17. youisprincess | Telling You the Sepia

18.  YumYum_mAh   | Interlude : Blue to Wedgewood

19. yuyuhi   | Petal Fortune


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