᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - one

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"i've been wondering if i have my love at first sight. i never have one," a small face with a blonde-haired guy turned his head to the smaller one.

"woah there, what's with that sudden thought?" the smaller one laughed.

"i know you're not interested in these kind of things. i'm just wondering though," his friend pursed his lips.

"well i don't even believe with this 'love at first sight' thing asahi, and " he slid in both of his hands into his side pockets while walking.

"whatever you say mashiho, let's go meet the boys at the class. i bet the teacher hasn't come yet," asahi grabbed on mashiho's arm and bring him into their crowded class.

the class were always noisy and annoying, but they're used to it. when asahi and mashiho entered the class, a group of boys yells at them.

"both of you shouldn't be late." a guy with small eyes warned them.

"chill hyunsuk, we're late just today. besides, mr kim is not here." asahi walks to yoshi and sat beside him.

mashiho went to sit at his seat since it's only beside the boys which are junkyu's table where they were talking. it's in two rows from the front. mashiho loves to sit on the front so he can focus on the teachers.

"anyway guys, i heard that jihoon's cousin is moving here," junkyu said while grinning excitedly.

junkyu is such a bright and lively guy. everyone will love him with that kind of personality he has.

"jihoon's cousin? is it a guy or a girl?" hyunsuk asked him curiously.

"i don't know, he didn't tell me about that yet." junkyu shrugged. "he said that she or he's like his best friend but sadly they're like two times cousin which is Jihoon's mom's cousin's child. uhh — do you get it?" junkyu stared at his friends confusingly.

there are hyunsuk, asahi, mashiho and yoshi.

"oh yes, i get it." hyunsuk nodded. "but when? i'm also curious"

"bro i'm curious as well. i mean, it's jihoon's cousin. if it's a girl then i might hit on her fir – ow! what are you doing?" asahi rubbed his arm that was slapped by yoshi who stood on his side.

"all you think is that." yoshi shakes his head but then his eyes wide open."mr kim!"

the crowded students are now running to their seats and standing, waiting for mr kim's greet.

"good morning class," he smiled as bright as the sun that could make the students in the class blind.

"good morning sir"


"i'm thirsty," junkyu whined as they walk on their way to the lunchroom.

"and i'm hungry." mashiho sighs while rubbing his tummy.

"for?" hyunsuk smirk smugly at him.

mashiho looks at him weirdly then keep thinking about what he meant. when he gets it, he laughs out loud and smacked on the back of hyunsuk's head.

"for food of course!" mashi ran into the lunchroom and immediately sat at a table with his other eight friends.

jihoon was there with jaehyuk, yedam and haruto, eating peacefully until mashiho came startling them.

"jihoonie!!" junkyu came behind jihoon's back, back – hugging him.
jihoon, who's still eating a hamburger almost choke.

"okay okay, junkyu. you can let go of me. " jihoon pat on his head like a cute puppy.

"let's talk about your cousin panda, is it a girl or a guy?" hyunsuk asked. all hyunsuk want is jihoon to answer his question.

jihoon looks at him weirdly and at all of his friends who are staring at him curiously. though, he's a bit selfish when it comes to his cousin.

"why'd you ask?" he continues to eat his hamburger while his other friends feel annoyed.

"oh come on, just answer the question. it's easy!" yedam squeezed on jihoon's shoulder.

"a girl. we're very close. she's pretty, cute and a kind person. i like her very much." jihoon suddenly said and then continue to eat again.

the boys turn to each other with furrowed eyebrows.

"we're just asking if your cousin is a girl or a guy., but yeah, didn't expect the extra answers we got from you." jaehyuk covers his mouth after that.

did jihoon accidentally let the cat out of the bag?

jihoon chokes on his food again and turns his head to his friends. "uhh — i mean, as a cousin! yeah, as a cousin." he coughs then took his water bottle.

"ima go to the toilet, bye," jihoon exited the lunchroom just like that.

"jihoon, weird as always." haruto shrugs and they continue to eat.

mashiho is thinking about it. if jihoon is her cousin, wouldn't that be incest? well yea, jihoon said he likes her in a cousin way. but it doesn't sound like it.

he shook his head, he is not really that interested in girls though, all mashiho think studies. but since he heard about jihoon's cousin, he is starting to get curious.

he didn't know that the others are curious too.

the table was noisy as always. after about fifteen minutes, jihoon came with a nervous expression on his face that makes the table becomes quieter.

"what?" he asked, crossing his eyebrows.

"nothing," they all said.

the bell rung, signalling the whole school for their next class. they went to their lockers then found jeongwoo and junghwan.

"BROS!!" jeongwoo's high pitch voice echoed in the hallway.

they went to both jeongwoo and junghwan to give them a hug. they started to separate their ways in a different direction and went into their next class.

"you guys should stop asking about my cousin." jihoon said in a serious tone to mashiho and junkyu. the three of them has the same class.

"why?" junkyu tilts his head to him.

"uhm – because i honestly. . . don't know." he sighs as they entered their class.

"is she that pretty?" mashiho asked randomly.

junkyu was about to ask that question cause the way jihoon told them seems she's so pretty.

"hell yeah, very pretty. not just her looks, her personality and the kindness she has could make everyone fall in love with her. i guess, even gay people would fall for her." jihoon smiles to himself with his cousin playing in his mind.

he knows she is his cousin and it is wrong to like her. he's sad about their relationship as a cousin. but he knows it's impossible for him to do such stupid things.


edit; this chapter is edited!

also, incest? 👀 /j ew.

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