The Words Were Said

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Kagami hadn’t been expecting anyone when there was a knock on the door. He opened it to find someone definitely unexpected staring at him.


Kagami stared at Aomine. He held his bags with him, and he looked upset.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine!” Aomine snarled, revealing he didn’t want to be asked about it.

Kagami wonders what has prompted this. He and Aomine have become friends to an extent, but this is unusual behavior for Daiki.

“Can I stay the night?”

Taiga blinks, not having expected this, though he should have guessed given the bags. He nods, opening the door a little further. Daiki carefully walks into his apartment.

“May I ask why you’re here?”

“Fight with my parents. We all needed to cool off.”

Kagami nods and then points at the door to the second bedroom. “You can sleep here. The bathroom is right across the hall. I’ve got my own bathroom, so you don’t need to knock or anything.”

Daiki nods and heads into the bedroom to drop his bags. Kagami texts Kuroko.

Why is Daiki at my apartment? You must have been the one who gave him the address.-Taiga

Yes, I gave him your address. He needed a place to go, and neither I nor Momoi can have him at our places overnight. I figured you would have an empty room he could sleep in for a day or two.-Tetsuya

I asked why he is here.-Taiga

I won’t tell you. Daiki confided in Satsuki and me. I won’t break that trust.-Tetsuya

Kagami sighs.

Fine. I won’t pry. Goodnight, Tetsuya.-Taiga

Goodnight, Kagami-kun.-Tetsuya

Kagami’s checking the news when Aomine leans out of the spare bedroom. “If I take a really long shower, would that be a problem?”

“How long are you thinking?”

“Fifteen, twenty minutes?”

“That should be fine.”


Daiki’s always loved long showers. The water is relaxing, the sound of water running, and the heat.

The ability to cry silently without anyone hearing you or seeing that the water on your face is actually tears.

He sits on the floor of the shower, because he is shaking far too much for his liking. He could barely hold it together in front of Taiga. He was texting Momoi and Kuroko after he had left the house, and his only thought was to get away before he killed someone. When neither had been allowed to have him over (Momoi because of what her parents thought might happen, Kuroko because his parents knew their past history), Kuroko had texted him Kagami’s address.

He lives in that huge place alone. I’m sure he could give you a place to stay for a night or two.-Tetsuya

Finally, he felt some of the pain disappear. He washed as quickly as he could, and even washed his hair. He needed to feel a sense of control over at least one part of his life, even if that was just feeling clean.

He dried off and put on a pair of basketball shorts and a plain t-shirt. Then he headed out to look around Taiga’s place.

Kagami was sitting on the couch, checking something on his laptop. Aomine had been barely paying attention when he walked in, but now he saw how little there was here.

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