8: A Surprise from Home

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Percy's POV
It was finally time for the interviews. I was really curious to get to know everyone. Today was an interview and rest day, tomorrow was initiation, then there was a break day, and then training started. I hoped that things would finish in time before we had to fight a real battle. I was sure Father wouldn't let me but if he did I had to be prepared.

People would start coming in 5 minutes. I paced around the spare room we would be in. I was excited to see how everyone would be like, but I was also nervous to get to know everyone. Shut up Perce, you shouldn't be scared. You're the Prince. I told myself. But I was able to distract myself with thoughts of Andrew Glass.

I don't know why, but it was probably since he hated me. He seemed okay, but he looked like he had something against me. He certainly acted like it too. I was distracted from my thoughts with a sudden knock on the door.

I opened it to find Luke standing in front. "Your Highness, I'm finally back." Luke said. Percy smiled politely. "So you finally found your missing neighbor?" Luke shook his head. "Not yet. We don't know where she is but her family is extremely worried." I nodded. "Got it." Luke added, "We also have our first knight in training, Charles Beckendorf."

Inside came in a tall, burly noble. He bowed and I gestured for him to sit down. "So, Beckendorf, tell me about yourself."

I continued to ask him questions about himself, his personality, and more. I also asked him if he'd been training and for how long, and turns out that he'd been training for a pretty long time. Now it was time for the practice fight with Luke. Luke did win, but it was a very close fight. I thanked him and he bowed and left.

I kept on asking people. Beckendorf of course seemed very nice, and there was a kind initiate named Frank, and Leo, who was very sarcastic but not as good at fighting. Luke disarmed him in a matter of seconds. I saw as he left that he was building something from his tool belt. Hmm.

Next was Jason Grace. He was actually the only peasant who was able to disarm Luke. I looked at him and saw a potential enemy so I was glad to have him by my side.

Once he left Luke called out the next name. "Your Highness, next is....Andrew Glass?"

Annabeth's POV

The room was incredible. There were turrets everywhere, and a huge chandelier in the middle. The walls were painted a calm blue grey color, and vases and lamps were everywhere. The entire house was bigger than my cabin. There was a giant balcony overlooking a lake. In the middle was a gigantic sofa and a HUGE bookcase which I would definitely be taking advantage of. In another hallway was a giant bathroom and shower (which I'm definitely not used to) and two gigantic king beds with a nightstand between them.

I was definitely not used to this kind of stuff.

Jason collapsed on his bed. "This is so cool!" He said. "Yeah. Where I'm from we had nothing like this." "Where are you from anyway?" Jason asked curiously. I was saved from answering when Leo and Frank rushed in. "Dude our room is incredible!" Leo said, jumping on the bed. "Yours is definitely bigger though." Frank added sadly, looking at the gigantic sofa longingly.

Hazel walked in. "Okay, boys. Everyone needs to take a shower before your interview with Prince Percy." She smiled and left the room. "Bye Hazel!" Frank called after her.

Leo laughed. "Cmon, Frank, we need to get you with her ASAP." Frank blushed. "Yeah I guess. That would be gr-great." Leo giggled a very girly sound and pulled Frank out of the room, closing the door behind him. Annabeth sighed and looked at Jason. "I can't believe we gotta deal with this guy." Jason said. Annabeth nodded. "At least there's something going on between Hazel and Frank. Something interesting going on." Jason smiled. It wasn't like Prince Percys smile, which was more quirky, more of a smirk with one side higher than the other. Jason's was more of an easy grin that didn't make you feel exhilarated like Percy's, but made you feel safe and friendly.

"Well, you can go shower first." Annabeth said. "Thanks," Jason nodded, and went inside the bathroom and locked the door. Annabeth heard the shower click and turn on and went back to her pack. She unpacked the few clothes that she had, and set out her few belongings. She held on to the old locket that Athena gave her and she always had. She went outside to the balcony and stared out. The world is so big. And amazing. I can't believe that I'm at the palace and I can see all of this.

Finally Jason came out of the shower shaking Annabeth out of her thoughts. He had taken off his shirt, which Annabeth didn't freak out at (of course, she's too awesome for it). "Kay dude, I'm done now." Annabeth nodded and went inside the bathroom. She tried to twist the shower, then sighed. Why was it so hard? Then she tried twisting it the other way and water gushed out. It was hard to adjust from using a bar of soap and a bucket of water with a sponge to using creams and conditioner and HOT WATER. But Annabeth ended up figuring it out, even if it did take a long time. She quickly got dressed and dried out her short hair. Then she went outside and found that nobody was there. Jason must have already left.

She left the room and walked down the long, narrow hallway. She realized that it was completely deserted. I'm late. Crap. She quickly traveled down the hallway, then realized she had NO IDEA where it was. She looked around, and finally noticed a short maid with mousy brown hair. "Excuse me, how do I get to the interview room?" The maid led her there, and she thanked her and rushed to the room, finally arriving. She knocked on the door to find-


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