It's on

5 0 0

We all put on our uniforms. I am missing the mask  to wear when Steve approaches me. 

-We have to talk for a moment. -He says with his uniform already on 


Cap and I go to a more remote area of ​​the group to talk alone.

-Listen to me carefully, this is important. You know that we are not guaranteed victory in this, right?

-Yes because?

-Because, in case we didn't make it, they would stop us and ...

-I know that part, Captain. And he accepted it, he was aware of the consequences when agreeing to accompany him.

-I know. We all know. But I refuse to accept them.

Okay, I got lost there.

-What does it mean?

-Yes, in the end they stop us, you won't be. We will do whatever it takes to avoid being detained. I have discussed it with the rest and they agree with it. You have an identity to protect, because that identity protects the people you care about, and we are not going to allow that to be spoiled by helping us.

Wait: Did he just say that all possible guilt will be taken away from me in all this even after having participated? Not! It wouldn't be fair to the rest.

-What!? Captain, no! With all due respect, Captain Rogers, you can't do it, it's not fair to either of them or to you. They too have a life and identity to maintain and maybe family, I don't know! But I know that's not right.

-But the difference is that our identities are known to everyone and it doesn't matter if they stop us or not in that regard, but it does affect you, and it affects you a lot, Johnathan 

-But the difference is that our identities are known to everyone and it doesn't matter if they stop us or not in that regard, but it does affect you, and it affects you a lot, Johnathan 

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Oh, come on, Captain. He can not do it. Do not do it.

-Yes, I can. Either you accept that condition or you are out of it. And it's my last word.

They just gave me the biggest ultimatum of my life and I don't like it at all. It still doesn't seem fair to me, but I also want to help avoid those hibernating Hydra super soldiers.

-It's okay. I agree. But it still doesn't seem right to me.

-But it's the right thing to do.

-I hope you're right. I say once he walks away and I take one last look at my mask and I put it on along with the wig. - Let the game begin.

-------------------------------------------------- ------

I am stationed in one of the parking lots, watching, observing the entire runway from my position. I can't get out of my hiding place until Steve gives me the signal and I don't even see him on the track. I turn on my communicator to get the team online.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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