028┇research paper

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Chapter 028 : research paper

Hwang Haemin's P.O.V.


She's here again..

I just looked down and focused my attention towards the food that I'm eating.

"Seoyoon.." I heard Jungwon sighed. "Could you please leave?"

"Why?" She asked. "I wanna have lunch with you."

"Well I don't."


"Seoyoon, Jungwon already said that he doesn't want to."

I looked up when I heard a new voice appeared.

It's Jay.

"Urgh why are you here?" Seoyoon rolled her eyes at Jay.

"Just get out before I report you to the principal." Jay warned. "You know I could get you kicked out of this school right?"

"Tsk." She glared at Jay before stomping her way out of the cafeteria.

"Thanks hyung." Jungwon thanked. "By the way.. why are you here? I thought you'll be with Heeseung hyung's table with the others?"

"I just bought a drink and saw Seoyoon on my way back." Jay said. "And since I'm already here.. might as well just stay."

"You could sit here." Sunoo patted the space beside him.

Jay nodded and sat down.

"Should we go after school or.." Yujin started. "..should we skip the last period?"

"Yujin no." Sunoo said. "We're not skipping a period.. we'll go there after school ended."

Jay looked at them confusedly. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Ah hyung.. the thing we told you when Jake hyung invited Yu‐ I mean.. invited us to go to that cafe next week?" Jungwon explained. "It's today."

"Can I tag along?"

"Of course!" Sunoo nodded. "The more rich people we have, the better."


"Jay's coming too?" Sunghoon asked.

We're now in the hallways where the lockers are at since school just ended. Sunoo, Jungwon, Jay and Jake are talking to their friends informing them that they can't join them on their way back home.

"I asked first the other day if I could tag along.." Sunghoon said. "But you told me I can't.. so why is Jay invited all of a sudden?"

"Do you have money?" Sunoo asked.

"Well no but—"

"Oh okay bye." Sunoo said before turning to look back at us. "Guys let's go."

"Ahhh it's so good to have two rich people with you." Yujin said. "You won't have to worry about paying anything."

Jake just chuckled and ruffled Yujin's hair.

"Since when did he had the confidence to do that?" I heard Jungwon whispered as he eyed Jake and Yujin.

"Oh wait." I stopped. "I think I forgot something in my locker.."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jungwon asked.


"No no it's okay haha.." I smiled. "I'll just get it.. you guys could go first."

"No it's okay, we'll wait for you here." Jay leaned back on the wall.

I nodded and ran back to my locker.

Can't believe I forgot that I left my research paper.. if I hadn't remembered it I wouldn't have anything to pass tomorrow.. aish haemin tsk tsk tsk..

I sighed and as soon as I opened my locker, something fell to the ground.

"What the.."

I crouched down and picked it up. "What is this?"

I hold up the small envelope while looking at it strangely. I flipped it around and saw a "for the lovely Haemin." written on it.

"Haemin!!! Hurry up I'm hungry!!!"

I got startled by Yujin's loud voice that was coming from the end of the hallway so I quickly stood up and closed my locker placing my research paper in my bag together with the envelope.

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