Chapter One TW: Assault/Abuse

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"Why didn't you do the dishes last night!" Elijah yelled as he walked into the kitchen

"I'm sorry! Maybe if you weren't out with your friends at the bar and home with your daughter, they would have been done!" You said putting Charlotte in her high chair

"That was one time in the past month!!!" Elijah said

"Oh yea? Then why have you not been home these past few weeks?" You said

"Oh my god I cannot deal with you anymore!" Elijah said

"You can't deal with me?!" You said

"I have had to come home from work, pick Charlotte up from daycare, cook, and take care of OUR daughter all by myself. My last priority is the fucking dishes! You have been MIA for the past month, and you expect ME to do the dishes?!" You yelled back

"Don't you DARE raise your voice at me!!" Elijah said

"Oh yea!? What are you gonna do?" You said taunting him

"This!" Elijah said charging towards you

He grabbed you by your throat, and slammed your body up against the wall with all of his body weight. Squeezing your throat tighter and tighter after each second

"Don't you dare ever raise your voice at me again! I'll make sure I squeeze ten times harder until you cannot breathe anymore!!" He yelled and stormed out of the house smashing plates and cups on his way out.

Your body slowly slid down the wall and you sat there in shock, Charlotte screaming in the background

"I..I don't know what to do..." You said bursting out into tears

Just then, there was a knock on the door

"W..Who is it?" you said shakily

"Uh its grayson and ethan!" The voices said

"oh.. oh my god i forgot about our plans!" you said quickly standing up and wiping your tears onto your sleeve

as you opened the door, Ethan asked what was wrong

"N..nothing is going on" you said

"come on y/n, you never forget about our plans something is on your mind" Grayson said

"Let us come in" Ethan said

"No its not necessary" you said going to shut the door

"No we are coming in" Grayson said pushing the door open again

"what the hell is all of this!" Ethan said stepping on broken glass

"Do not tell me Elijah did all this shit again!" grayson said looking at the hole in the wall where your head got pinned

" sorry!" you said dropping to the floor

Grayson and Ethan immediately ran over to you
to comfort you

"none of this is your fault. He has and always will be a violent person towards you and charlotte. You need to get out of this house!" Grayson said

"And Mom always says if you ever need a place to stay you can come live with us. Take her up on it. Charlotte is welcome as always!" Ethan said tickling Charlotte

"thank you guys" You said hugging them both

"Now go get in the jeep. We will bring you guys home to our place than gray and I will come back and get all of your guys stuff" Ethan said

"No i can get it all now" you said

"No. Because god forbid if he comes home and you are here we do not want him pulling anymore shit. If he does, we will be here to handle it" Grayson said

"You guys really don't have to do all of this" You said to them

"No but we want to. Now let's go"

an: sorry for the shorter first part, but trust me this story will get good :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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