Chapter 1

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Marinette's POV

Marinette sat shaking in Adrian's car. She didn't exactly know what to say. Part of her wished that she would have just taken the subway with Luka. She looked over at Adrian. He looked chill and comfortable sitting on the black leather car seat. She wished she would be that relaxed.

She started thinking about everything that's happened this past year. Ever since Adrian gave her that stupid umbrella she can't have a normal conversation with him. She thought about what she had said earlier to the girls. "Actually, I think we are just meant to be friends. Whenever I talk to him as a friend I hardly stammer at all. That's a sign right there."

She sighed. Adrian was wonderful but she knew she was right. Besides, she's made it so obvious that she has a crush on him. He hasn't said anything so he must not feel the same.

Adrian looked over at Marinette and smiled. "So, what are you going to do when you get home?" Marinette fidgeted. Startled by his sudden question. "Uhhh... I was planning on playing some video games." She fidgeted her fingers nervously and tried not to make eye contact with the model.

Adrian's eyes lit up. "Video games!? Which ones!?" Marinette was surprised by his excitement. She knew he enjoyed video games but she had no idea he would be this excited about them.

She smiled and said "Well I was planning on messing around on my Minecraft realm."

Adrian grabbed Marinette's hand and looked her straight in the eyes "Please let me join your realm!" he squeaked.

Marinette blushed and quickly pulled her hand away. "Okay okay, I'll let you join my realm. Do you have a discord?"


*At Marinette's house *

Marinette searched for Adrian on discord. Carefully she typed in "Chat_Noir#6396" she still couldn't believe that Adrian chose Chat Noir to be his username. She clicked the follow button and started a private chat.

Maricriesinselfpity: Hey Adrian here is the realm invite [insert realm invite]

Chat_Noir: Hey Marinette! Thanks also, why is your username "Mari cries in self pity"

Maricriesinselfpity: why not

Chat_Noir: good question.

Maricriesinselfpity: Anyways I'll be hopping on and off the realm the next few hours. My parents want me to have "Social interaction" whatever that is. So basically I'll be in the bakery "restocking the shelves and talking to customers" while I'm actually sitting in the corner playing Minecraft and mumbling answers to customers.

Chat_Noir: Why don't you just invite someone to help you out at the bakery. It would make it more entertaining.

Maricriesinselfpity: Oh yeah? Like who?

Chat_Noir: idk Kagami is always complaining about how bored she is. You could invite her.

Maricriesinselfpity: I hardly know her. I don't think inviting her over to help me with my chores is a good first impression.

Chat_Noir: Come on Mari, give it a shot. If it doesn't work out you can blame me.

Maricriesinselfpity: ugh okay fine. I don't have her phone number though.

Chat_Noir: I don't think she has a phone, she's never given me her number. Here is her discord though: Fencerwithsoialanxiety#4283

Maricriesinselfpity: see I'm not the only one with usernames that are depressing

Chat_Noir: I wish ppl on here had happy usernames. Nino's user is Weakbabyturtle#1523

Maricriesinselfpity: 🤣 Alya's is Foxwithattitudeproblems#7225

Chat_Noir: Man, now I'm feeling left out! My username is simple and not depressing. What should I change it to?

Maricriesinselfpity: Lonelymodellockedinhishouse

Chat_Noir: good but it's too long.

Maricriesinselfpity: true, what about Adriansitsaloneinroom

Chat_Noir: that's a little sad isn't it?

Maricriesinselfpity: that's the point

Chat_Noir: what about Lonelykitty?

Maricriesinselfpity: why kitty?

Chat_Noir: uhhhhh...... My mom used to call me that- yeah just an old nickname

Maricriesinselfpity: okay.... It's kinda short and isn't really interesting what about "Modelwithanxiety"

Chat_Noir: I like it! I'll change that right away!

Maricriesinselfpity: kk

Modelwithanxiety: changed it ^^

Maricriesinselfpity: cool. Shoot my mom's calling me i've got to "help out in the bakery"

Modelwithanxiety: don't forget to call Kagami!

Maricriesinselfpity: fineeeee bye

Modelwithanxiety: bye :3

Marinette shuts her laptop and unplugs it from the charger. She brings in downstairs with her to the bakery. She sits down at a table in the corner of the shop and opens the laptop again. Quickly she opened discord and looked up Kagami's username. She then proceeded to follow her and start a private chat.

Maricriesinselfpity: Hello Kagami, it's Marinette, Adrain's friend. I have to work in the bakery today and Adrian told me that I should invite you because he said you're always bored. Sorry if I'm bothering you. Feel free to decline.

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: Hello Marinette, so nice of you to invite me. I would love to join you at your bakery. I'll be over there in a few minutes.

Maricriesinselfpity: okay cool :)

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