Prosthetic finger

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Aarav is a student of XYZ medical college. One day, he gets a call in the middle of the class from an unknown number. The caller tells that he has kidnapped his sister and asks him to bring the ring finger of the right hand of his associate who has been shot dead by a rival gang that day. His body is taken by the police for post mortem to the College-Hospital where Aarav studies. The kidnapper warns Aarav of the dire consequences if he informs the police.

Aarav is taken to the mortuary during the forensic medicine class. He sneaks into the room where the kidnapper's associate's corpse is kept and finds the ring finger missing. He then realises that it is a prosthetic finger which has already been kept separately by the forensic team. He takes the finger and calls the kidnapper who tells him to wait for further instructions.

Aarav goes to home and talks about this matter to his father who finds that an expensive drug is stuffed inside the finger. Aarav gets a call from the kidnapper who tells him to come to a abandoned warehouse alone. His father insists on coming with him but Aarav refuses as it may make the conditions worse. Meanwhile, Aarav's mother finds out the drug stuffed inside the prosthetic finger, misinterprets Aarav to be using it ,and drains it in the wash basin out of anger. A panic- stricken Aarav replaces the drug with chalk powder and stuffs it inside the prosthetic finger.

Aarav plans on delivering the prosthetic finger and run from the warehouse with his sister as soon as possible. En route, the rival gang attacks him and takes the prosthetic finger. Aarav chases them frantically. The kidnapper gang suspects foul play as Aarav doesn't show up and tracks his mobile phone. The rival gang goes to the rendezvous point where they have struck a deal with a drug dealer. The rival gang gives the drug to the dealer which he immediately recognizes as fake. He belives the rival gang has betrayed him and orders his henchmen to kill them. The rival gang too arm themselves in self defence. Aarav reaches the place and so does the kidnapper's gang and a three-way shootout ensues between the kidnapper's gang, Rival gang and the drug cartel which is ultimately subdued by police who had arrived there due to the complaint filed by the people in the neighborhood about sounds of gunshot. The police arrests all the people except Aarav and siezes the drug. Aarav happily returns to home with his sister.

Prosthetic fingerWhere stories live. Discover now