𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟

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I just sat there trying my best to avoid William's stare.

"So miss (y/n) what do you know about the Freddy murders?"

Ok so he knows.
Should I play it dumb or should I tell him?


"Oh so you do know."

How did he. Well I did just stutter and act obvious.
I sat up straight and stood my ground. Even though a moment ago I was terrified.

"Yeah I know about them Mr. ChildMurderer."

I could see the anger form on his face.
He slammed his hand on the table.

"Don't you go fucking telling anyone about this."

William started to shake and look crazy.
I moved back in my chair away from him.

"Now your scared."
William has gripped the steak knife on the table.

"Father, is everything ok, I heard you slam the table again?" Michael said from his room.

William eased back in his chair.

"There was a fly and I hit the table." William stated.

"Oh ok father."

William turned his head back to me.

"Now where were we?" William gripped the knife again.

His eye started to twitch and he started to shake.

"You know I killed lots of kids today miss (y/n)."

"Yeah I know that." My voice cracked with fear.

And that seemed to make him smile more.
He then picked up the knife and stared at it.

"This isn't the best knife to do the work but should make it painful."

Was he going to kill me?
His gaze went from the knife, to me.
He abruptly got up from his chair and ran at me.

William then pinned me to the ground.

"Ahhh!" I screamed but William covered my mouth.
Racing footsteps ran down the stairs.

Mike could help me.

William looked at Mike as he stopped to see why i screamed. But Mike just stood there.

"Now lets see how many pieces I can cut you into."
William's arms stretched up about to shoot down into my chest.

"Father stop, you've done enough damage for today."

I opened my eyes slowly.
Did Mike know what William did?

"Aww come on Mike."

"No dad, not after what you did to Charlie, your best friends daughter."

I noticed that William was distracted and I took this opportunity to break free from his grasp.
I clenched my hand in a fist and threw is right at William jaw.

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