sakure history

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Welcome to the story about sakure.

Sakure 7 years old:

"Sakure was only 7 years old. 1 day she get up and eat her break fast and her mom say"

: honey go to your grandma and seen her she maybe sick

"Then sakure go to her grandma's house her grandma seems so great then sakure going back to her home and she found cute cat she pat the cat and she was tired going to home she come in home she got scared..."

: mama!

"Her mom was dead be demon she run to her mom and try to get her wake up"

: mama! Mama! Wake up!

"She cry so load then the heard the monster that killed her mother and run to sakure she was so scared she said"

:someone help me!!!

"Then she close her and back to open her eye"

: h-huh?

"There was hashira over there that hashira woman name is shinobu"

: oh hello there little young girl

"Shinobu saw her mom has killed"

: oh dear are you all right?

                                        To be continue...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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