The watch

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Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Monsta not me

"We're finally done" Gopal said tired "yeah good thing we made it out" Boboiboy then add
"Barely beside are you okay that thing hit ur watch" Fang ask worried
"I think It's okay" Boboiboy then reply

After they were back to the station and head to bed boboiboy couldn't slept well he felt uncomfortable and worried for some reason he had cold sweat when it was morning Gopal, Ying, Fang, and Yaya were off to a mission while boboiboy stayed with ochobot to check if the watch was ok and stable

"So is it okay ochobot?"
"It seems fine I don't see anything wrong"
"Hm, but I could've sworn I saw it glow at night"
"Maybe it's just ur imagination, ok I need to go to the comander first stay here"
Ochobot say as he left the room, boboiboy stay and looked at his watch remembering he did saw it glow then his watch glow again but much brighter

"H-Huh! What's happening!" Boboiboy then closed his eyes but when he slowly opened his eyes he was shocked

"Eh? Why are we here?"
"Where are we"

"Gempa, hali, taufan, blaze, ice, thorn, solar?" Boboiboy then said surprised
"Oh my, how did this happen" Gempa then said confused
"Are you hurt ori?" Thorn then ask getting closer to him
"Ori?" Boboiboy confused looking at thorn
"Yeah that's what we call you! Ori!" Thorn said cheerfully

"Um Ori is something wrong? Why are we here?" Solar then ask "i-i don't know last night my watch glow and a few minutes ago it glow again and you guys were here" Boboiboy answered still shock

"Maybe it's because someone let the watch get shot from the thing yesterday" Hali crossed his arms and looked at blaze

"Well this isn't good, but since ur here that means u can lose ur memories if we're seperate for too long" Gempa worried "so what are we gonna do" Solar then ask turning to gempa

"For now we need to keep ori safe since he can't turn into any of us and to make sure we don't lose any of our memories and if any of us do I'll hit them, while we're doing that solar you go do some research on how this could happen"

Solar nodded and quickly went to do some research and the others stayed looking after boboiboy Ori

"Well this is awkward" Boboiboy thought to himself surrounded by the other elements "if it's awkward why don't we play something" Gempa then said

"Wait how did you-"
"I can heard ur thought and seeing the other elemental memories and other thing"
"And besides you don't need to feel awkward were you but in different emotions and stuff"

"Hey Ori did you still remember when fang said he'll be more popular than us hahahahhahah that was hilarious" Blaze then said to boboiboy ori trying to make him feel comfortable "Oh yeah I remember that ahahaha" The other laugh talking about the times tho hali just stared in the window staying quiet

"Uh hali?" Boboiboy said
"Hm? Do you need anything ori?" Hali then turned to boboiboy
"No it's just why are you so quiet?" He ask
"I'm just worried of what could happen"
"Well nothing bad is happening now so why don't we just have fun and talk" Boboiboy then smiled and patted his head
Hali looked at him before nodding his head and smiled back

"Oooo hali can smile after all" Taufan tease
"Shut up!" Hali said
"The tsundere is smiling" Blaze added
"Oh cmon do you remember when you and Taufan tried to melt the ice from that robot" Boboiboy then chuckled hearing that
Ice and Thorn laughed while both hali and blaze glared at each other

"Oh cmon guys stop teasing one another" Gempa tries to stop the other from fighting "yeah if you guys fight you might get hurt badly let's just play a game" Boboiboy tried to help

But blaze and hali kept on glaring at each other and didn't listen but then they were pulled by something it was thorns

"Did you guys didn't hear mama gem and Ori saying to stop or do I need to make it more clear for you two" Daun face then turned to a dead stare looking at both of them

Thorn then let them go and look at the other this time his face was cute like before "they stopped now!" He smiled "I feel terrified with you now Thorn" Ice then said hiding behind gempa

"They call you mama gem?" Boboiboy then looked at gempa confused "they sometimes call me that I don't know why tho" Gempa said before sighing

"Because you're nice, responsible, independent, smart, can cook delicious food, care for us just like a mother would"

Thorn then said happy while gempa just sighed and smiled patting his head a few minutes later was fine they were talking but then something happened there was a loud sound coming from outside the window they all then looked out the window and then saw a space ship outside it was huge

Then a hand came out from below the ship and took boboiboy from the window but after it did hali saw a figure "look! theres some there!" Hali pointed while shouting that since the ship was loud and he was right the person grabbed boboiboy and jumped down from the spaceship and unexpectedly went inside the station

"He's heading inside!?" Taufan shouted confused "QUICK EVERYONE GET DOWN THERE NOW AND FIND ORI" Gempa shouted, they all came running down and search for boboiboy but unfortunately they didn't saw anyone there so they had to split up but blaze, ice, thorn, taufan didn't listen and just quickly when on different directions "guys!" Gempa shouted at them but they couldn't hear him and kept running

"We have no time for this hali you check down here and I'll check up there" Hali nodded and then they split

"Don't worry Ori we will find you"

What's this another story? Ehehhe I got this idea when I was bored and decided to just make a story so here it is don't worry the blice story I'm still doing I'm just doing this too I'll publish another part of this and blice story in a few days and as I say before to the people who message me and stuff I'm not ignore you but I haven't verify my email yet but anyway, baiiiiii

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