᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - two

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"today is the day." miwa smiles to her self.

she was so excited but also nervous at the same time. the reason why she was so excited because her cousin is there too, park jihoon. they're so close like brothers and sisters. though, jihoon thinks it as the other way.

miwa walks her way to the front door then took her shoes on the shoe rack. she loves to wear aesthetic sneakers. it suits her personality and appearance. her black hair only reaches her shoulder, her beautiful hazel – brown eyes, cute small nose and thin pink lips matches her well.

"dad, let's go!" she excitedly yelled while putting in her sneakers.

both miwa and her dad went into their car and drove off to the school.

the school was big. miwa loves it, especially when there's a garden and a playground beside the school. so she can spend some time and have fun there.

"do you want me to bring you inside?" miwa's dad asked her with furrowed eyebrows.

"it's alright, jihoon is here. so maybe he can help me." miwa hugs her dad then went out of the car.

as her dad's car out of her sight, she happily walks in the school. she stand beside  a locker and started to text jihoon.


jihoon, where are you?


turn around.

miwa stares at the screen congusingly. as jihoon said, she turn around and saw jihoon smiling at her. she got surprised then hit jihoon's arm lightly.

"stop that, you know that i'm jumpy." she laughs then hugs jihoon who is blushing.

miwa stop it. i can't stop smiling right now if you keep hugging me. he wants to say it but only his heart are allowed to. miwa pulled apart, smiling cheekily at jihoon.

"so?" she said, tilting her head.

"to the principal's office first, since you still don't have your schedule." jihoon holds her hand bravely as he sighs after that.


"so you're first class is geography. the class is just over there." jihoon points with his index finger at a brown wooden door. he is a bit upset cause she's not in the same class as him. but at least, after the first – two periods, they will have additional maths together.

"alright, see you after class!" miwa ran slowly to her geography class.

when she reached the classroom's door, she was hesitating at first but she needs to anyways. she knocks it twice lightly and wait for any response.

the class went smoothly untill a knock heard from the door. everyone's head turns to it. the professor stops from whatever he is doing and opened the door to see a girl.

she's aesthetically pleasing to the eyes that you can't take your eyes off her. of course she is park miwa, who else?

yes, everyone started to get curious about miwa. as the professor let her in, there are many pair of eyes following her and she honestly feel uncomfortable.

mashiho was there, playing with his pen and didn't pay any attention at what's going on.

"so class, this is your new friend. please introduce yourself." the proffesor sat on the teacher's desk waiting for miwa's introduction. she nodded her head and sighs heavily before starting her introduction.

"hello everyone, it's nice to meet you all, my name is park miwa. i'm a transferred student from jeju. i hope you can take a good care of me." she bows ninety degrees trying to be formal and polite for her first day in kanoa seoul high school.

when mashiho heard her voice, he immediately looks up. woah. he thought. he would say it out loud. but this girl makes him speechless, when all she did is introducing her self?

mashiho suddenly coughs catching everyone's attention, including miwa. they stare at mashiho weirdly since he can't stop coughing. because of his heart beats too fast. he was panicking because it skipped a beat.

"takata, are you alright?" the proffesor asked him.

mashiho gave him an 'okay' sign and he is no longer coughing. he sighs in relief, he keeps thinking with what happened to him suddenly.

"nice to meet you too miwa, i am your proffesor taeyang. your geography teacher." proffesor taeyang gave her a smile and motioned her to sit.

while she was walking to a vacant seat, (which is the last row – beside a window) everyone was staring at her, including takata mashiho who stares at her with big interest.

park miwa? jihoon's cousin for real?!



"the heck just happened to me." i pinched the bridge of my nose while sighing.

this girl called, park miwa is jihoon's cousin? i can't do this. since i laid my eyes on her, my heart beat suddenly went faster like it will almost explode.

is it the reason why god sent her here? to make me feel love? to make me have love? it sounds as if she's only for me. though, many guys would fall for her but i can feel i'm the good one for her.

is it love at first sight?

for sure, i need to claim this girl as mine before anyone do it first (why does that sounds wrong lmao).

"hyung, are you alright? your coughs are loud as hell." doyoung whisper at me when proffesor taeyang was writing something on the board.

"i'm alright, no need to worry." i gave him a thumbs up and focus on the front.

doyoung nodded his head then do his note - taking.

geography's class ends and it's additional maths time. jihoon will be there as well. i hope there'll be miwa too, i put my full hope on this.

"what is your next clas dobby?" i asked him while we were putting in our books in the locker.

"hey! we're in the same class and forgot already? sheesh i hate you." doyoung pouted and crossed his arms over his shoulder like a kid.

i swear this guy is such a baby, but cute.

"oh really? sorry i got confused! now let's go." i wrapped my arms around his neck as we walk to our next class.

"i can guess park miwa is jihoon's cousin the one who he always talk about. i mean, it's obvious. the surname though." doyoung suddenly said.

i was about say something but doyoung's word kinda makes me irritated.

"and she's cute."

i turned to him and saw that he is smiling like an idiot with his face all red like a tomato.

"yeah." is all i said.


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