A fake Smile

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Everyone has a personality. Some are purely happy all the time, others always seem dead inside. Some hide it, others don't.
Nicknamed 'smiling Sarina', she was one of the seemingly joyful and kind-hearted people. Everyone respected her and she appeared to be one of the nicest people anyone had met. She had a normal family and wasn't facing anything difficult in her life. She was incredibly bright and loved by all her teachers. If something was stolen she would be the least suspected person.

So smart.
So sweet.
So insane.

No one saw what was coming. No one had seen what she'd become.
It was all a mere act. The smiling Sarina was just a fake version of her.
In truth she was psychotic Sarina. In some ways, it would've been better if I'd known about this. Or if anyone had known about this.
How psychotic was she, you may ask. She had murderous intentions. Strong and overpowering ones that would enable her to completely lose concentration and let her mind drive her. She had absolutely no reason for wanting to murder. It was sheer will that drove her.
Sarina's personality was frightening. She was incredibly skilled at acting like the nicest person around, awfully psychotic yet extremely intelligent.
Her plan was to act nice and gain an extremely high reputation everywhere, including at school and around the neighbourhood. She would use that to her advantage and kill someone. Anyone. Possibly more than just anyONE.
Sarina has had murderous intentions ever since she was five years old. She always acted extremely innocent to seem like she wasn't very knowledgeable and wouldn't be capable of anything. She had somehow managed to keep that a secret for over ten years. I myself had not suspected a thing.
I once saw her as a young teenager when she was by herself and she seemed very empty. With a wry smile, she was staring at something, yet she wasn't. I didn't think much of it and walked away.
I now know that Sarina often seemed to stare into an empty space and smile when she was alone. She would imagine herself murdering and see it happen right in front of her, as a hallucination.

A few years later was when it all happened. When Sarina would be completely overwhelmed by her murderous thoughts and take them out on the neighbourhood. The day where many people would be killed.

There was nothing peculiar that happened on the 25th of July. Everything was going as usual and nothing would warn anyone of what was about to happen. Sarina's large eyes were wide open and staring down into nothingness. She tightly gripped onto a knife, which had been sharpened the night before. Sabotage, Stab, Sprint. That was her plan. She would sabotage something on their property to cause them to come out and attempt to fix it. She will suddenly sprint towards her victim and stab them and sprint away towards the house of her next victim.
Unfortunately she managed to succeed the murder of eight residents in the neighbourhood before being found out.
I happened to be in my backyard when this all happened. I heard him call the electrician about his power outage. I stood on a crate box so that I could ask about the issue. Then it happened. Smiling Sarina, the joyful, kind-hearted and bright girl, was murdering her own neighbour right before my eyes. The police were contacted but it was too late by the time they had arrived and she had already killed me.
They noticed Sarina's bloody weapon and her bloody hands. They were starting to surround her.
Sarina held her bloody knife up with the sliest grin that no one would have ever imagined on this girl's face, and with full force, stabbed herself. A sputter of blood came out. Sarina yanked the knife out of her body as she fell on her knees. She began to laugh maniacally as she continued to fall onto the ground and when it finally stopped, psychotic Sarina, who had painted herself as a joyful, kind-hearted and bright girl, was dead.
There seemed to be a silent sound of relief from the police, knowing that they would no longer have to worry about Sarina freely murdering innocent members of the public. They began investigating the whole neighbourhood.
Everyone was absolutely flabbergasted. No one would have ever thought that smiling Sarina was just a painted version of her real self, which was psychotic Sarina. It was a great relief for everyone, yet also... sad, in a way. Of course people we're relieved that there was no longer a psychotic murderer in the neighbourhood, but nonetheless they would miss having just a joyful, kind-hearted and bright girl to make their day.
There were now varying opinions on her. Many felt bad for Sarina, as no one had helped her or at least tried to. Others couldn't be happier that she was gone, after learning who she really was. I personally think that nothing could have been done to help her, and that it was just how it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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